Part 22

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I'm so sorry this one's short guys! The next one will be longer! It might take me a bit though. I'm still pretty busy. I still don't know the bottom half of Ritz's hair. I think it's turquoise lol, so that's what it'll be until that changes. Anyways, enjoy guys-

Veneer hugged Ritz somewhat tightly. He was really worried about his fiancé. They were getting married in a few weeks. They were getting the last preparations together for the wedding. Ritz would be giving birth in about 5 months. Veneer was so excited for their incoming babies and marriage. He couldn't wait to finally hold his own babies. The couple were having twins. Ritz was excited so that he wouldn't ever have to go through pregnancy again. He hated being pregnant. He really wanted the babies though. It was a price to pay, but it was worth it.

Ritz was up making himself a snack. Veneer ran to the store to get some more snacks. They already bought baby clothes and a crib. They put it in their room so that they could get to the babies quicker. They also bought different baby formulas to feed the babies. They wanted to see which one they preferred. Ezra was excited but also upset. He couldn't help but dislike Veneer for getting his baby brother pregnant. He was more upset that Ritz was already grown. He didn't need him or Eliza. He couldn't help but resent their parents. They kept Ritz away from them. He would've done so many things with Ritz when he was growing up. Ezra disliked Veneer but he also liked him. He was a great guy that treated his brother like he deserved.

Veneer stood at the alter in his black suit. He was extremely nervous. Kid Ritz was running a little late. Nobody told anyone what happened. Did he end up falling asleep? He hoped that he was okay. He noticed Kid Ritz's mother in the front row seats. Why was she here? Didn't Ritz not invite her? Was her husband here? Veneer sighed and looked out into the crowd. He saw Ritz walking down the aisle with Ezra. Lillian was their little flower girl. She was so adorable. They had a fairly small wedding with just close friends and family.

The two walked down the aisle. Kid Ritz was in tears as he got up to the alter. He was in a white suit. It looked perfect on him. The two held hands and the wedding continued. It was finally time for them to do their vows. Veneer went first. Ritz was in tears. He squeezed Veneer's hands slightly as he said his vows. The wedding officiant asked them the questions for them to finally say the two special words. "I do," Veneer said as he stared at his perfect soon-to-be husband. The wedding offhand did the same to Kid Ritz with a smile on his face. "I do," Kid Ritz almost whispered as tears were in his eyes. "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom," the man said. Veneer cupped his face. Kid Ritz smiled as their lips were connected.

The two went on their honeymoon. They would be spending a week there. The newly weds were having the time of their life, besides Kid Ritz getting sick. He had a bad case of morning sickness. What made it worse was that he had a huge fear of getting sick. Veneer would sit with him and do his best to comfort his husband. He loved it when he would curl up to him and slowly drift off to sleep in his arms. Veneer would always take him to bed and just hold him. He loved holding his husband. He just couldn't get enough of it. He would never get sick of holding and kissing his perfect husband.

They came back from their honeymoon. Everyone was glad to see them back. They had their new rings on. Kid Ritz had to quit his job at the Station. Alvin kept showing up at his workplace. His boss explained why they couldn't get him arrested again. Kid Ritz truly loved his job. He just couldn't handle seeing Alvin. Seeing him just caused him so many hurtful memories. Ritz and his mother got a little closer, not much. The two were making progress though. Kid Ritz never saw his father again though. His father was too ashamed to even try and speak to him again. Kid Ritz didn't really want a relationship with him anyways.

Ezra was panicking. His baby brother was in labor. Eliza was in the labor room with Ritz and Veneer. Eliza's husband came by to comfort him. His boyfriend was a lot like Ritz. Veneer was so excited when he saw his babies. Ritz was utterly exhausted and sore. Veneer stayed with him as he started recovering. Their baby boy had trouble breathing. They had to keep him in the hospital for about 3 months after he was born. Ritz was very distressed about what was wrong with his baby boy. Their little girl was perfectly healthy. Their son had something wrong with one of his lungs. They did immediate surgery once they found out what was wrong with him.

Veneer and Ritz went to the hospital to pick up their baby boy. He was finally able to be brought back home. Their baby girl came home almost a week ago. Veneer knew he was going to spoil his little babies as much as he could without them being spoiled brats. Ritz was busy bottle feeding their baby girl. Veneer was holding their baby boy. Ritz leaned on Veneer's shoulder and looked at him with a soft smile. "I'm so glad we have these two. I still can't believe we finally have a family," Ritz said with a smile. "Aw. I'm so happy to have started a family with you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," Veneer replied. He kissed his cheek and Ritz laughed softly. The two put the twins to bed and took a nap on the couch.

Velvet and Orchid came by to visit the twins later that day. Orchid was ecstatic. She was so exited to see them. She wanted to hold them but Ritz didn't want anyone touching the twins yet. Orchid understood and didn't touch them yet. Velvet wasn't as excited. She didn't really like babies. Kids were fine but not babies. She couldn't help but smile at them though. They were absolutely adorable. The little girl, Vivian, looked a lot like Ritz with her purple skin. The boy, Remi, looked a lot like Veneer. He had tiny little turquoise hairs. Vivian had little blonde hairs with a little bit of green. Velvet smiled down at the twins. They were really cute. She would be the best aunt she could be.

Kid Ritz was feeding Remi. Veneer was playing with Vivian instead of feeding her. Ritz couldn't help but laugh. He was so adorable while playing with her. Ritz burped him after a bit. Veneer finally put her down for another nap. Veneer turned to him and smirked at him. Ritz was pretty confused yet intrigued. "Do you want to have a little bit of fun?" Veneer asked with a teasing, seductive look. Ritz turned bright red and looked away. "Like playing cards?" Ritz asked with a laugh. Veneer stared him blankly before cackling as well. Veneer scooped him up and carried him to the bedroom. "Don't worry baby boy. We'll have plenty of fun together," Veneer said in a sedative tone. Ritz just nodded as his whole face erupted into a dark blush.

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