Part 5

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(I have a whole headcanon book with some of my headcanons in this book! Kid Ritz had Narcolepsy and ADHD in this! They're also my two headcanons for him)

Veneer was finally out of prison. He decided to go ahead and go home to take an actual shower. He took a long, relaxing shower. He decided to visit Ritz at his workplace once he finished cleaning up. He couldn't help but feel giddy thinking about him. Once he got out of the shower, he decided to go check his mailbox. He was shocked that it was full of letters. None of them had who had written them. Veneer was kind of scared that it was from a crazy fan or something. He sat on his couch and read the bottom one, since it had the earliest date. The handwriting was kind of sloppy but overall neat. The letter was pretty short but really sweet. The name in the bottom right corner was scribbled out. Veneer couldn't make out the name, which made him kind of sad. He sighed and decided to go visit Kid Ritz.

He went to where Ritz worked at. He noticed Orchid laughing at something he said. Veneer felt a slight pang of jealousy. "I still can't believe I passed out while going down the stairs this morning. I think I had a seizure because my legs were completely numb. I'm so exhausted. I also forgot to take my medicine to keep me awake. I'm so stupid! I also forgot my hat!" he whined. Orchid patted his head as a small laugh escaped her mouth. "It's alright man! You'll be okay," she said and kissed his cheek. His face turned dark as he blushed like crazy. "Why would-" he suddenly collapsed and Orchid jumped at the sudden loud sound. "R-Ritz? Are you okay?" she asked and looked nervous. She was about to get the manager until he suddenly shot up. "You do that? Wait, why are you looking at me like you just saw a ghost?" he asked. "I-Did you-I-What the actual-You-I thought you just fainted or something!" she screeched. "Oh. No. I didn't faint! Sorry about that. It was my Narcolepsy," he replied with a nervous look. "Oh okay," she replied with a small laugh. She had to go because she worked backstage. They were getting ready for Kid Ritz's interview.

Ritz noticed Veneer and smiled at him. "Hey Veneer! Y-You can sit down if-if you want," he offered with a nervous smile. "Huh? O-Oh, thanks," Veneer replied and walked over to him. He sat down and fidgeted with his hands. "S-So uhm, are you and Orchid dating?" he asked. Ritz just stared at him with a blank expression. "No. absolutely not. She has a huge crush on your sister," he answered. "Oh," Veneer mumbled and turned away with a bright red face. "Uhm, I-I heard about you passing out and having a seizure, are you okay?' he asked as he turned back to him. "Yeah. I'm alright. Th-Thanks for asking," Ritz replied nervously. "I'm really sorry about not visiting you like I promised. I've just had a lot going on lately," he said and looked down. "It's okay. I figured that's why you haven't visited in a while," Veneer replied with a small laugh. Ritz smiled and looked away. There was an awkward silence between the two until Ritz had to go for the interview. Veneer couldn't help but be sad that he had to go. He noticed a letter on Ritz's desk and decided to peek at it. He was absolutely shocked. It was a love letter with the same handwriting from the ones he got from someone. They were from Kid Ritz. He couldn't help but be happy and so excited.

He decided to visit him the next day around the same time if he wasn't busy. He went back home and decided to read more of the love letters. They were kind of cheesy but were full of love. One of them was from after he was sent to prison, which was kind of painful to read. It just reminded him of the person he couldn't be. He read about 14 of them, since they were pretty short. He loved reading them. Maybe he could tell Kid Ritz about how he felt? Was he even ready to be with him? Did he forgive him for the awful things he did? He couldn't help but overthink. He wished that he was the one who found Floyd that day. Floyd probably would've taught him how to sing better if he asked for help. He never really wanted to be in the spotlight. It was all Velvet. He just wanted to be closer to his sister. He didn't want to be apart from her. She was all he had.

Ritz was about to head home until it started raining. It started pouring and thundering shortly after. Nobody said anything about a storm. He groaned in annoyance. He was already slightly irritated from his last interviewee. They were always interrupting him and trying to make it seem like he didn't even exist. It kind of reminded him about what happened with Velvet and Veneer. He shook his head and decided to just leave. Everyone else was gone besides him and 2 janitors. He walked out into the rain and got home after about 15 minutes of walking. He was utterly soaked and freezing. He decided to take a warm shower to warm himself up from the cold rain. He got cleaned up and got a drink of water. He figured that was why he passed out earlier. He knew that he wasn't properly taking care of himself like he should. He couldn't help it. He just hadn't had any time lately. He crawled up on his couch and slowly but surely fell asleep.

A loud knock disturbed Ritz's sleep. He slowly sat up and yawned. He went to the door and saw Veneer. He blinked a few times and looked at him nervously. He knew that his hair was a mess and it embarrassed him. "Aw, your bedhead is pretty cute," Veneer said with a small laugh. Ritz just stared at him with a dark blush across his face. "Wh-What brings y-you h-here?" Ritz asked, stammering over his words. "I just wanted to see if I could spend the night with you. Uhm, the thunder's pretty loud," he answered, looking down at the floor. "Oh. Uhm, y-yeah! Y-You can st-stay the night! I only have one bed though," he said with a nervous look. "Oh okay. I wouldn't mind sleeping in the same bed with you. I-If you're not comfortable w-with that then I-I can just sleep on the couch," Veneer replied with a happy, nervous smile. "Oh. I just thought you wouldn't be comfortable with that. Th-That works then. A-Anyways, come on in!" Ritz said and let Veneer in.

The two sat in silence for a bit until Veneer broke it. "H-Hey uhm, Ritz?" he asked and looked over at him. "Y-Yeah?" Ritz replied, feeling extremely nervous. "I-I know you wrote the letters," he said and smiled. Ritz stared at him and looked away. "I knew I shouldn't have put them in your mailbox! I'm so sorry! I should've just kept those! I'm so stupid!" he exclaimed and buried his face into his hands. Veneer couldn't help but laugh. It was so cute how embarrassed he was about the letters. "It's okay! I actually really like them," Veneer said and scooted closer to him. Ritz looked at him and slowly took his hands away from his face. "Y-You do?" Ritz asked as his voice cracked a little. "Of course! I haven't read them all yet though. I will soon though!" he replied and took one of Ritz's hands into his own. Ritz blushed and looked away. "Aw! You're so cute!" Veneer gushed. "Stop!" Ritz whined as Veneer hugged him. Veneer kept gushing about how cute he was while Ritz was a blushing mess.

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