Part 19

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This one might be a little shorter because I don't have that much motivation to work on this since I'm kind of running out of ideas- Anyways, updates might be a little slower because I'm also working on my other fanfic! Also, I'm pretty busy with school-

Ritz groggily woke up to multiple, gentle kisses being planted on his neck and shoulders. Veneer was hugging him from behind. Veneer was smiling as he kissed his neck and shoulders. "Baby? Do you think you can walk?" he asked softy yet playfully. "I-I don't know," Ritz mumbled, his voice hoarse. Veneer chuckled softly and put his hands on his stomach. Ritz couldn't help but blush even more. Ritz was extremely sore from their night of fun. His wrists were kind of bruised from how tight Veneer held them last night. Veneer can definitely get rough when he wants to. Ritz slowly rolled over and buried his face into his chest. He was so tired yet energized. 

Veneer took him to the bathroom to help clean him up. They were both covered in sweat and semen. Veneer couldn't help but kiss him all over his face. Ritz smiled, loving how affectionate he was. He wrapped his arms around him. "Do you want me to wash your hair?" he asked. Ritz nodded, humming slightly. "Alright baby boy," Veneer mumbled, kissing his head. Ritz looked up at him while blushing madly. "I-I thought you would just call me that during-during in-intimacy," Ritz mumbled. Veneer shook his head and sighed lovingly. "Aw, are you that sleepy?" Veneer asked with a soft laugh. "Y-Yeah," he mumbled. Ritz was barely awake. Veneer smiled and kissed his forehead. "Such a beautiful boy," he mumbled as he kissed his lips. His lips were pretty soft. They were a little chapped, which didn't bother Veneer. 

Veneer had Ritz's forehead against his chest. They were in the shower together. The water was pretty warm. Veneer rubbed his back and shoulders while kissing his head. Ritz ended up falling asleep from exhaustion. Veneer smiled and decided to give him a bath instead. He filled up the tub. He carefully laid Ritz in it. He started bathing him while giving him gentle kisses all over. He just loved kissing his boyfriend everywhere his lips could reach. He finished bathing him after a bit. He laid him down on the bed with a soft smile. He put a towel under his head, since his hair was wet. He took himself a shower. He yawned and went back to the room. Ritz was all curled up in the sheets. He was slightly shivering. "Aw, my cute little baby," Veneer mumbled, walking to the bed. He sat down next to him and scooted closer to him. He hugged him and scooted a little closer to him. 

Veneer's hair eventually dried. He was busy playing with Ritz's hair as he slept. His phone rang and Veneer groaned. He answered it for him. His manager wanted to know if he would be able to call in. Veneer told him that he wasn't feeling well. The manager wished him well and hung up. Veneer smiled and hugged him a little tighter. He didn't want to do anything with him, besides cuddling him. He was covered in hickeys and bruises. Veneer loved the sight next to him. He was just so beautiful covered in the bitemarks, hickeys, and bruises that he made himself. He knew that the bruises weren't too bad. They would be gone very soon. He was a little too rough with him though. He couldn't help but feel guilty for all the bruising on his thighs and body. He hoped that Ritz wouldn't be angry at him for that. 

Veneer made some breakfast for the both of them. Ritz was still curled up in bed. He was so adorable like that. His face was buried in one of the pillows. Veneer brought him breakfast, smiling at how cute his boyfriend was. Ritz was just so cute when he was all shy and covered in Veneer's love marks. Ritz started somewhat losing his voice by the 4th round. Veneer loved how innocent he was. They did a lot of things together. Veneer didn't have nearly as many hickeys as Ritz did though. He didn't mind though, since Ritz was the more submissive one. Ritz was so adorable while being half asleep. 

Ritz sat on Veneer's lap. Veneer was kissing him all over his face. Ritz was wearing a slightly oversized sweater with shorts on. Veneer slowly started to go down to his neck. Ritz couldn't help but shiver slightly. Veneer moved away from his neck, slowly kissing his lips. Veneer deepened the kiss. Ritz couldn't help but moan softly. The kiss was already starting to get steamy. Veneer had his hands all over Ritz's lower back and thighs. Veneer was already craving him. His hands started going inside Ritz's shorts until a loud, sudden knock startled the two. Ritz went to the door. He opened it and it was Eliza. She stared at him blankly.

She went on in with a blank look. She looked at Veneer and started tearing up. "Ezra was right! You're fucking my baby brother!" she cried out and hugged her brother. She hugged him tightly and kept asking him how he could let someone fuck him. Jonathan walked in with a tired look. He was carrying the baby. Ritz gasped and got out of her grasp. "Hi!" Ritz exclaimed quietly as the baby cooed. Jonathan handed him the baby. "Can you babysit for us please? We have to go out for a bit. It shouldn't be long at all," Eliza said, sniffling at her baby. "We can if Ritz doesn't mind," Veneer replied, snaking his arms around his waist. Eliza gently slapped his hands away. Veneer quickly pulled his hands away with a sad look. "Don't touch my baby brother around me!" she screeched. Jonathan just hugged her to calm her down. 

Eliza and Jonathan left shortly after. Ritz was holding the baby. "What's her name?' Veneer asked. "Lillian," Ritz replied, smiling at him. Veneer smiled and nodded. "You know, I wouldn't mind having a baby with you. We could even adopt, if you wanted to," Veneer mumbled, gently kissing his neck. Ritz blushed and whipped around. "I-I-What?" he asked, extremely flustered. Veneer chuckled and kissed his forehead. "Don't worry baby boy. We can talk about this later," Veneer replied, kissing his cheek. The three sat down on the couch. Ritz was playing with baby Lillian. She was just the happiest baby ever. Her skin was purple just like Eliza's. Her eyes were a bright blue. They would probably have more pigment when she got older, unless she has Jonathan's eyes. 

Veneer had Ritz in his lap. Ritz was playing with the baby on the floor. They were both on the floor with her. She was almost 1 years old. She had a little bit of hair. Her hair was kind of a dark green color. Her skin was very light blue. She was such a cute baby. She was always giggling and laughing. Veneer couldn't help but adore her. He would love to have a baby with Ritz. He scooted up a little while wrapping his arms around him. "D-D-Dapa," she babbled. "Aw! Don't worry, your daddy will be back soon," he replied with a giggle. She looked at him for a moment. She started babbling incoherent words. She started trying to crawl around. Ritz couldn't help but laugh at her. She was just way too cute. Veneer slowly started rubbing his thigh. Ritz froze and turned to him. "Babe, why are you like this?" he asked while laughing. Veneer scoffed and sniffled. He acted like his boyfriend didn't love him anymore. 

Lillian finally fell asleep. It had been just a little over an hour. She could eat very soft foods. Ritz fed her some mashed potatoes. She was a very messy eater. It was fun feeding and playing with her. The three of them took a nap after a bit. Veneer was still awake though. He couldn't help but ponder about having a child one day. He would love to have one with Ritz. The two could adopt, it honestly didn't matter to Veneer. He also wanted to propose to him. He just didn't know when he wanted to. He considered talking to Jonathan about it. Veneer sighed and started playing with the tiny little strands of hair Lillian had. He felt so giddy. He knew he really wanted a baby. He used to babysit a lot for his neighbors. One of them had 12 children. 4 of them were really young. Veneer was about 12 when he started. He was always good with kids. He just couldn't wait to get married and have kids with Ritz. 

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