Part 9

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Velvet was going to finally be released that day. She couldn't help but jump up and down with excitement. She could finally see Veneer and Orchid. She decided to visit her brother first, since he was her main priority. She went to their house and knocked on the door. She was about to leave until Kid Ritz opened the door. "Huh? O-Oh! H-Hi Velvet!" Kid Ritz greeted nervously. "Hey. Is my brother here?" she asked. "Yeah. He's making something to eat. D-Do you want to come in?" he asked. She smiled and walked in with him. She was shocked to see Orchid with a blanket wrapped around her. Kid Ritz sat next to her and laid his head on her shoulder. She glanced at Velvet then back to the TV. She immediately looked back at her and gasped. "My beautiful girlfriend! Holy crap! Ritz! Move you idiot! This seat is reserved for my girlfriend!" she exclaimed and shoved Ritz. "I-Hey! That hurt!" he shrieked. "I don't care! This is my girlfriend's seat! Go sit on your boyfriend's lap! Stupid!" Orchid yelled and pouted. "Hmph! I'm obviously not wanted here. I'll just go cry in my room," Ritz said and sniffled. He pouted and stood up to hug his boyfriend. He tripped over a sock and fell on his hands and knees. He sniffled and sat there for a moment before going to Veneer.

Velvet sat down next to Orchid and got under the blanket. Orchid had her head on Velvet's shoulder as they watched TV together. Ritz was in the kitchen with Veneer. He had his face buried in the crook of Veneer's neck as Veneer cooked. The meal was almost done. "It's almost done dear! You can so sit with Vel and Orchid while I finish up in here," Veneer said and turned to him. "No. Orchid's mean to me," Ritz replied and he sniffled. "She shoved me aside for Velvet," he mumbled. Veneer laughed as he turned around and hugged him. "Are you cold?" Veneer asked while laughing a little. "Yes," Ritz mumbled and looked up at him. Veneer smiled and moved his hair away from his face to give him a kiss on his forehead. Ritz smiled and hugged him tighter. Veneer kissed his cheek and laid his head on Ritz's. Veneer rubbed his back in small circles for a few minutes. Ritz fell limp and Veneer noticed. "Baby? Did you fall asleep?" he asked quietly. There was no response from Ritz. Veneer smiled and scooped him up. He brought him to the couch and laid him down. "How did he fall asleep standing up?" Velvet asked. "He was warm and comfortable," Veneer answered with a smile. He rushed back to the kitchen and turned the stove off. He came back and had to give his boyfriend a forehead kiss again.

Orchid and Velvet took a nap once they finished eating. Ritz was talking to his manager over the phone about him going back to work soon. There was a famous celebrity that really wanted him to interview them. Kid Ritz was very hesitant, since he still felt kind of dizzy sometimes. He was nervous to start working again. Of course, he would bake but that was easy for him to do. He wanted to still be an interviewer but didn't know if he could even do it yet. Veneer hugged him from behind and rested his chin on Ritz's head. "I-I would like to work for you again. I-I'm just nervous that I'll fall asleep or have a seizure during an interview," he said while he fidgeted with Veneer's hand subconsciously. Veneer smiled and hugged him tighter. "Y-Yeah. I should be able to work again in a little while. I-I have an appointment with the surgeon that did my surgery next week. I just don't know if I can deal with having to do a lot of things yet," Ritz said and squeezed Veneer's hand. They hung up the phone after a bit and Ritz stared at the ground. He turned around and he looked up at Veneer with teary eyes. "It's okay baby," Veneer said and brought Ritz closer to him. Ritz stood there for a bit and silently cried. He slowly pulled away after a bit and looked up at him with smile.

Ritz sat down on Veneer's lap with his back against his body. They were all watching a movie while eating snacks. Veneer had his arms wrapped around Ritz with his chin resting on his head. He played with Ritz's hair and couldn't help but laugh at it. He had a messy bedhead. It really suited him and made him even cuter in Veneer's eyes. Velvet was sitting on the floor as Orchid did her hair. She wasn't doing anything specific with it. She was just braiding it and doing other things with it. Ritz had his hand on top of Veneer's hand the whole time the movie played. Orchid stretched and yawned. "Hm? Why'd you stop playing with my hair?" Velvet asked in a soft, sleepy voice. "O-Oh, I just had to stretch, that's all, beautiful," Orchid replied and leaned down to kiss her forehead. Velvet hummed with a small smile. Her eyes were heavy as she fought against her exhaustion. Orchid giggled quietly , knowing she would fall asleep very soon. She continued playing with Velvet's hair as the movie came to an end.

Veneer woke up from his small nap with Ritz's face buried on the crook of his neck. Veneer held back a laugh. Ritz was playing with Veneer's hand. Veneer smiled and rubbed his back with his free hand no. "Hey baby," Veneer whispered. "H-Hey. D-Did I wake you up?" Ritz asked and stopped. "You didn't wake me up cutie," Veneer replied and squeezed him a little. Ritz blushed and laid his head back down. "Aw, you're so cute! I could just eat you right up," Veneer cooed as Ritz shook his head. "Q-Quit it! Wait-What do you mean by that?" Ritz asked and looked at him embarrassed. Veneer just chuckled and started smothering him with kisses. Ritz blushed and had his hands on his shoulders. "Ven! Q-Quit! I don't want to wake up V-Velvet and Orchid!" Ritz whisper shouted as Veneer put his hand up Ritz's shirt. "V-Ven!" Ritz whisper shouted. Veneer grinned and kissed his cheek. "What? I just love having my hands all over you," Veneer mumbled and kissed the tip of his ear. Ritz looked away while covering his mouth with one hand. Veneer pouted and laughed a little at him. He was always cute when he was all flustered. The two cuddled for a while until they finally fell back asleep.

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