Part 30

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Timeskip! I'm so sorry this is the last part y'all😭
Also, the twins are in high school💀 Remi talks but usually in short responses. Remi just doesn't like talking because of severe social anxiety and other things too. He's also kind of like Big Mac from MLP.

Veneer sniffled and threw the paper onto the ground. "Why is this so hard?" he asked as he pouted. "Dad...It's algebra," Vivian mumbled. Veneer just sniffled and shoved his face into the table. "Babe! Can you help us?" Veneer shouted. Kid Ritz popped out from the doorframe and sighed. He walked in with a smile and looked down. "Oh. This is pretty easy once you understand what's going on," Ritz said as he patted his husband on the head.

It didn't take long for Vivian to understand the work now. She was glad to have a dad that was good in algebra. Veneer was...An airhead when it came to algebra. He was really good in literature though. Veneer decided to start making the family supper, since it was getting a little late. He got what he needed and started the cooking process.

Remi popped in from completely nowhere. Veneer jumped as he heard his feet hit the ground. "Remi...Did you just come from the attic?" Veneer asked. "Yep," Remi replied. Veneer sighed as Remi leaned his head in Veneer's shoulder. Remi was almost as tall as Veneer was. Vivian was as tall as Veneer somehow. "Are there spiders and stuff up there?" Veneer asked, almost dreading the answer already. "Mhm! I also found a raccoon and squirrels up there. I helped them escape," Remi replied somewhat quickly. "How did you even survive? That sounds terrible to see those nasty creatures," Veneer replied. Remi shrugged and watched his dad cook with his hands in his pockets while leaning his head on his shoulder.

Ritz was taking a nap on the stairs with one of the runaway chinchillas. It just looked around and started nibbling and munching on his fingers as if they were a snack. Vivian had to help Remi put them back into their cage. They had 4 of them on the loose in their house. One was chewing on the strings on Veneer's apron. It started licking his ankles as well. Veneer didn't mind since he was used to it. His husband was somewhat of a biter. He liked making hickeys on Veneer's neck and shoulders.

Remi was giving a silent lecture to a squirrel and raccoon he kidnapped and kept in his room. The two just stared at him as if he had 4 heads. Remi jumped as a knock came from his door. He smiled in excitement as he opened the door. He gave Ritz a quick hug before letting him into his room. "...What are you doing in here?" Ritz asked. Remi shrugged and picked up a raccoon with a little bit of foam at its mouth. "...Remi...Get the thing out the house. It has rabies," Ritz mumbled. Remi sighed and tossed it out the window. "Oh crap! That poor raccoon! At least it's dead now," Ritz shrieked. Remi decided to keep the little squirrel since it didn't have rabies. Ritz decided to let him keep it.

Remi made the squirrel a little outfit. He put the squirrel in it and made it do a little, fancy dance. Ritz felt so bad for the little squirrel. It seemed like it was being forced into this. Its little eyes had pure agony in them. Ritz decided to let Remi do his thing since he knew Remi wouldn't ever hurt an animal. Remi just liked all the more dangerous animals. He had a huge collection of scorpions in an enclosure he had. Vivian ended up being deathly allergic to scorpions, ants, bees, and wasps. Remi made sure to keep them away from her because of her allergies.

Remi was holding one of the chinchillas. Veneer's cat was on the couch. It sneaked over and sniffed the chinchilla. Remi smiled and petted it. The cat was examining the chinchilla. Their parents were gone for a little bit. They would be back in about an hour or so. "Remi! We should play Just Dance!" Vivian exclaimed excitedly. Remi smiled and nodded. He put the chinchilla back in their parent's room. He gave each of the chinchillas a little kiss before closing the cages. He rushed downstairs as Vivian was busy getting everything set up. The cat was lying on the couch.

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