Chapter 4 - Love?

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''n..noo..noona? '' baekhyun said wiping the tears on his cheeks. His eyes was wide open because of seeing taeyeon.

'' umm mianhae, i thought nobody was in'' taeyeon said while her hand plug off her earphone off her ears. She notice baekhyun red nose and seen him wipe his tears.

'' no no , it's okay noona sunbaenim. You can use the room'' Baekhyun said as he stand up , picking his paper beg. Feeling shy that taeyeon had seen him cried.

'' it's okay baekhyun-ah , gwenchana?( are you alright?) '' she said trying to stop baekhyun. She is abit worried

'' uh neeh noona, gwenchana..'' he said avoiding taeyeon eyes.

'' baekhyun ah, your not okay. You can used the room if you want to. '' Taeyeon said worrily.

'' araso noona , kamsahamida but can you stay awhile noona? i hate to be alone at this time'' he said sound really sad. Making his 'Don't leave me alone' kind of face.

''neh neh baekhyun ah. if you want to'' she said. She worried about baekhyun seeing him cried made her felt hurt too.

They sat on the floor in the training room. Eventually they become close when they start talking baekhyun told her what happen, she listen him well and they even jokes. That make taeyeon relieved when she sees his rectangle smile.

''noona, i emm made kimbab. Do you want some?'' he said and show her the container. She never knew this side of baekhyun. Baekhyun is kinda cheeky , playful and like being prankster. She always notice that. That's why she always giggle when he played pranks with his member.

''sure , why not.. i love to eat them '' said taeyeon.

''here noona, oh i forgot the chopstick''
He open the container ,showing it to her to take them but he forget the chopstick , he put them down and search for the chopstick inside bag. When he found them , he give them to taeyeon. ^_^

''umm nyum , its nyummy baekhyun ah , do you really make this?'' she take a bite more as she said that.

'' emm yeah noona i make them'' he chuckle.

They ate while chitchating and laughing.Baekhyun realize theres something on ther lips
He stop and stare at taeyeon lips. Then he shake his head softly to chase his wild thought away.

'' noona, theres something there on your lips'' he said as he point on her lips.

''where? '' she tried to wipe her lips to where baekhyun point.

'' there noona...'' baekhyun try to point at the small seaweed near taeyeon lips. She can't seem to find it, then his finger automatically wipe the seaweed off her lips.

Taeyeon just froze and stare that baekhyun is really close to her. She can smell him , the smell of lemoney but then she panic as baekhyun face turn to her then said '' gomowo baekhyun ~'' she smile at him. She can feel her cheeks burn with the colour red. Shyly..

''Noona~ you look cute'' baekhyun said and wink at her.

''naughty baekhyun ah ~'' as she said , she ruffle his hair.

He giggle , then all that hurtness turn into this beautiful day for him. Taeyeon watch him giggle and she giggle along. She feel happy to see his smile.

'' Baekhyun ah, You can call me tae noona '' she said suddenly with her hand open to him.

''Neeh.. tae noona.. noona can i borrow your phone? '' he said then asking her phone.

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