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It was early but that was what Beatrice liked about her new home.
It wasn't as busy as London and that was all she wanted when she packed her bag and went on the cheapest bus to get here.
She had an hour before having to open the art studio down the street so she took her time as she listened to the two guys behind the counter of the small bakery she went to every morning.
They were always nice and made her lattes better than her cafe back in London could.
"Anything else for you today?" one of the guys asked as he looked at her.
"No, that's all for today.
I only have an hour today" she said.
"You know we should check out that new art studio" The guys went back to talking as she paid before waiting for her latte.
Once it was finished she sat on the couch near the front door with a book counting down her minutes.
She slipped her coffee before feeling the couch dip beside her.
She looked over to see a man sitting next to her with some sort of pastry.
He looked at her with dark eyes causing her to quickly look away.
"Never seen you in here before," he said.
Beatrice looked over again.
"I come here most mornings.
I just moved here though" she said not knowing why he was making her so nervous.
"Where from?" he asked.
"London," she said.
He smiled before tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear causing her to blush.
"I'm Brendan," he said softly.
"Beatrice," she said.
It suits you" he said.
She sipped her latte.
"Thank you," she said.
"Say Beatrice.
Would you like to grab a drink tonight?
I know a few good places" he said.
She looked at him before feeling the guilt seep in.
Yesterday after she finished locking up the studio she went to a small club to grab something before going home.
She remembered him and the plan he had on taking her out tonight.
She was struggling to remember his name which made her feel more guilty but the alcohol he kept buying her didn't help.
Simon Walker sounded similar but she didn't fully know.
"Oh um, I already have plans.
But I am free on Wednesdays, Fridays and the weekend" she said.
"Why those days?
Got a boyfriend bunny?" he asked.
"No, I just work late on the other days," she said.
"I would love to see you again.
Learn more about you" he said.
He moved closer to her causing her heart to flutter.
"I'm not that interesting" she said breaking the thick tension.
"I doubt that.
What about Friday night?
A nice dinner, a few drinks" he said.
"That sounds nice.
Let me just give you my number" she said before writing her number on a napkin.
She handed it to him.
"Meet me here," he said before leaving the cafe leaving her almost shell-shocked.

Later that night Beatrice sat in her small car looking at herself in the small mirror wondering if she should just drive off.
All her previous dates had been horrid and she wanted this to be different.
He was here as his motorcycle sat across from her car making her realise that he was different than the guys she would usually go for.
She took a deep breath before walking into the club feeling the butterflies in her stomach go mad.
She looked around before seeing him sitting at the bar with a glass cup half full of unknown brown alcohol.
She walked up to him before sitting next to him causing him to look up from his phone.
"I didn't think you were going to show," he said.
"To be honest I was sitting in my car outside for an hour.
I haven't done this in a while" she said.
He smiled softly as his kind eyes made her heart melt.
"Me neither.
I recently split up with my wife so the whole dating thing is new" he said.
"What happened?" she asked.
"I wasn't home enough and she found herself a new husband better than me.
I don't hold it against her.
She was too to delicate for me anyways" he said before taking a sip of his drink.
She looked at him as her face dropped.
She wasn't exactly a party girl who took risks.
"Why did you want to go out with me then?
I'm not exactly risky" she said.
"My wife worried too much.
It wasn't that she was innocent" he said.
"Well even if this doesn't go well I hope we end this thinking it was a fun night" she said.
"Me too," he said.
They looked at each other.
"You want to know what was the first thing I noticed about you?" he asked.
"What?" she asked softly.
"Your eyes.
You have beautiful eyes" he said.
She felt her face heat up at his comment.
No one had noticed something so small on her face before.
"You have a nice smile," she said.
He placed his finger on her hand before drawing little shapes.
"How have you been settling it?" he asked.
I like it here more than London" she said.
I don't have to worry about you disappearing then" he said before using her hand causing electricity to rush through her.
"What do we have here?" a familiar voice caught Beatrice's attention as she looked over to see Brendan.
I didn't know you would be here" she said softly feeling bad about this morning.
He looked cold and emotionless only making it sting more and more.
"I'm unpredictable.
Mind if I join you?" he said before sitting beside Beatrice.
"I'm sorry," she said.
"Hey don't be sorry.
You had plans and that's ok" Simon said as he held her hand again.
"I feel bad" she admitted making Brendan smirk.
"Then why don't I join your little date?
I don't mind going with two" Brendan said placing a kiss on her shoulder causing her to loudly gasp.
"Take it down a notch before you scare her off," Simon said.
"I'm doing nothing wrong just showing my affection towards my sweet little bunny" he said.
She covered her face to hide how flustered she was as Brendan placed his hand on her inner thigh, so close to her most vulnerable part.
"Stop," she said.
He pulled his hand back before nodding.
"We have a date this Friday?
Why are you joining this one?" she asked as she looked at him.
"Just feel like it.
Simon can happily join us if you want the both of us" Brendan said.
"What?" she asked.
"Why did you a date with both of us then?" he asked.
"I didn't know you two knew each other" she said before looking at Simon knowing this was all ruined.
"I'm just gonna go.
This isn't going anywhere anyway" she said before standing up.
I wouldn't say it wasn't going anywhere" Simon said.
She looked at the both of them "I would like to try this again.
I just want to see you both separately" she said before walking out of the club.

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