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Time went fast.
It made people remember how short their life truly is.
People say live it while you can but it's never that easy.
Unless you have money and a specific personality you'll be working a nine-to-five job till you're dead.
It had been a year since Trevor's case was open again.
A year since Beatrice was falsely accused of murder.
But now that was all old news as Beatrice sat at home as Brendan yelled on the phone with someone she didn't know.
She didn't know half the people he talked to but most days she didn't mind that.
Her mind was too busy spinning to care anyway.
The call was supposed to be happy but it was the complete opposite.
Her brother had committed suicide days ago and now she was the last in her family.
It wasn't like she was on the ground in tears missing him.
They never had a relationship as their dads weren't exactly the same guys.
It was that the police were covering something.
Her brother lived a good life.
He has friends and a loyal girlfriend and none of them had any indication that he was struggling.
It was because he wasn't.
She looked at Brendan as he hung up the phone.
"Breathe," she said.
He looked at her "Bloody twits" he said.
She smiled before looking at Simon who was sitting next to her.
"I feel bad for his dad.
I never knew him but I know they were close" she said.
She looked at Brendan before yawning.
It was nearly midnight.
She was exhausted but restless at the same time.
Suddenly the phone rang.
Brendan picked it up "What?" he asked.
She looked at him before placing her head on Simon's shoulder.
"It's always something.
Why can't the world just stay still?" she said.
Simon looked into her eyes before kissing her.
"It always works out.
Eventually" he said.
She then heard Brendan throw his phone.
"Woah what happened?
Baby" she said.
"Joel wants us down there.
It's always when you need us.
It's like the prick plans things to go wrong" Brendan said.
I'm just going to go back to sleep anyway" she said.
Brendan looked at her.
"You sure?" Simon asked as he rubbed her arm.
You're needed there anyway" she said.
"We're needed here more," Brendan said.
"I'm ok Bren" she said.
"Your brother died Bunny," he said.
"I know and im sad but I never knew him.
I'm sad but im still ok" she said.
Brendan looked at her.
"If you're sure," he said.
"I am," she said.
"Come on Simon.
Let's see what this twat has done now" Brendan said.
She watched them leave before walking to bed.
Beatrice got under the warm covers before looking at her bedside lamp.
She turned it off before laying on Brendan's pillow with Simon's pillow in her arms causing her to relax.
It wasn't the same as the real thing but it did the job.

Hours passed as Beatrice laid in bed fast asleep.
Suddenly the door opened as a tall man walked into her room in all black.
He looked around before grabbing the gun stuffed in Brendan's drawer.
Beatrice cuddles further into the bed as he pressed the gun to her stomach feeling her smooth body with the gun.
She groaned before looking at him.
Beatrice froze before screaming as the gun went off causing a bullet to only miss her by an inch.
She ran out of the room but didn't get far before he threw her to the ground by her hair.
She groaned "Do you know how long I waited in a dumpster waiting for your two lover boys to leave?" he growled before shooting her arm causing her to yelp.
"There's cameras everywhere.
If you kill me you won't get far before they find you" she said before crying out as he kicked her in the stomach.
She looked at him before seeing Brendan's gun in his hand.
Beatrice whimpered before kicking him.
She then knocked him down as she threw herself onto him.
"Fucking bitch" he said.
"Are you hired or do you hold a grudge?" she said.
Once I kill you I'll be living in luxury" he said before tossing her off of him.
She hit the wall before running just when he went to kick her harder than before.
She looked at him and questioned how she was going to get out of this.
Her phone was in the bedroom on charge and she couldn't run fast enough to get it.
She looked at him before running downstairs to the kitchen.
She tripped causing her to hit the floor causing a nosebleed but she didn't care.
She just wanted to get out of the house and get to the club before he killed her.
He walked quickly towards her as his heavy footsteps caused vibrations with each step.
She rushed to grab a knife before stabbing him in the chest.
She froze as blood covered the blade.
She then kicked him back before getting on top of him.
She then just kept stabbing him.
Over and over as she felt his blood coat her fingers.
Suddenly he went limp and he stopped trying to fight back.
She looked at him before dropping the knife.
Beatrice quickly searched for a pulse.
You're not dead.
Fuck you're not dead" she said.
She shook him but he just went limp after she stopped.
She killed him.
A pool of blood formed around him as she crawled away from him before feeling her back hit the wall.
What did she do?
She couldn't call the police as her DNA was everywhere.
She would be arrested for murder.
Suddenly the four opened causing her to panic.
She hit her head against the wall as she waited for the police to run in and see what she did.
Suddenly Brendan and Simon walked into the room before looking at the large man dead on the kitchen floor.
"He's dead.
I killed him" she said before breaking down as his blood coated her hands.
"What happened?" Simon asked.
"I was asleep and when I won't up he was right next to me.
He was hired.
Fuck" she said as she struggled to breathe.
Brendan knelt in front of her.
"It was self-defence," he said.
"He's dead.
I kill someone.
Brendan I fucking killed someone" she cried out as tears rushed down her face.
He wrapped his arms around her.
She sobbed against the crook of his neck as Simon looked at how many a tab wounds there was.
"You made sure to get him down.
Around thirty stab wounds" Simon said.
"He kept trying to attack me.
I just kept going until he stopped" she said.
"Me and Simon will clear this up.
Go upstairs and take a bath" Brendan said.
She nodded "Good girl.
I love you" he said.
"Love you too" she said before walking upstairs.
She walked into the bathroom before looking in the mirror.
She had blood drying against her skin from her nose bleed and had swollen eyes wlthat were bloodshot.
She washed hwr wash with cold water before watching the blood run down her lips and chin before forming drops.
She grabbed a wash cloth before washing the blood off her face.
She didn't want to take a bath.
She just wanted sleep and to pretend she didn't just butcher someone in the kitchen.
She took her nightgown off before washing her body with cold water.
She was rough as tears ran down her face.
If anyone found out she would be arrested.
She wrapped a fluffy towel around herself before sitting on the floor.
If her family survived long enough to see her now they would be so disappointed and that was enough to make her want to tear out her heart and burn it.

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