Twenty Nine

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Minutes passed as Beatrice pushed over and over as the nurse guided her through it while Simon and Brendan held her legs up.
She cried out as tears streamed down her face.
"We've already got a head.
This baby will be out in a few pushes lovely.
Just keep going" the nurse said.
Beatrice took deep breaths before pushing again.
She cried out as the pain suffocated her.
Suddenly the baby shot out causing all the pressure to disappear and the pain to stop.
Beatrice threw her head back as the nurse placed the baby on her chest.
"Congratulations it's a healthy girl" the nurse said.
The first sat Beatrice up as she looked at the baby.
"You're so precious," she said before kissing the baby's head.
The doctor then came in.
"I'm just going to do your stitches" the doctor said but Beatrice didn't hear him.
All she could focus on was the tiny life in her arms.
"We're going to do a few tests," the nurse said.
Beatrice watched the baby get carried away to the other side of the room.
"Can I have some water?" she asked.
I'll get you some" Brendan said.
Simon kissed her "I love you" he said.
"I love you too," she said.
Minutes later Brendan came back with water.
She had small sips as the nurses brought the baby back over.
"Here she is.
Everything is done but we will keep you here for twenty-four hours to make sure there are no complications" the nurse said.
Brendan, Simon you can both hold her.
I just need to rest a little" she said.
Brendan took her first.
"Have you decided on a name?" the nurse asked.
Beatrice rubbed the baby's cheek with her thumb.
I like Eliza" Beatrice said before looking at Simon.
"Welcome to the world Eliza Brady-Walker," Brendan said.
Beatrice smiled.
"She will be so loved.
Even if she only has your side to protect her" Beatrice said.
She looked at Simon before smiling softly.
"Don't think about that.
Even if your family was alive I would die before I let them near her" Brendan said.
Beatrice smiled "Same" she said.
"Cam would have loved her," Simon said.
Beatrice held his hand.
"He'll be watching over her.
Making sure she doesn't do the things he did if we're not around to stop it" she said.
"Yeah," Simon said.
"I should call Cheryl," Brendan said.
"Ok just make sure she stays home.
When im alright to do so I'll bring Eliza to her" Beatrice said.
"Yeah," Brendan said as he gave Eliza to Simon before walking out of the room.
"She's so small," Simon said.
"I wish she would stay like this.
So adorable and precious" Beatrice said.
"I would die for you.
I would do anything you want princess" Simon said as Eliza held onto his finger.
He then looked over to see Beatrice struggling to keep her eyes open.
"It's ok.
Me and Brendan will stay here with her" Simon said.
Beatrice nodded before knocking out as the exhaustion took hold of her.
Brendan walked back into the room.
"She's not happy is she?" Simon asked.
"Not in the slightest," Brendan said before looking at Beatrice.
"How the hell did she do that?" he asked.
"It was quick," Simon said.
"She gave birth without anything," Brendan said.
"She's been through a lot.
She's stronger than we will ever know" Simon said.
Suddenly Eliza started to cry.
"I'll get someone," Brendan said.
"I've got her," Beatrice said as she held Eliza.
She unbuttoned her hospital gown before beginning to breastfeed Eliza.
"I thought you were asleep," Simon said.
"I couldn't get comfortable.
I was just shutting my eyes hoping I would fall asleep" she said.
She then looked at the both of them.
"Can one of you get the nurse and tell her im in a fuck ton of pain?" Beatrice asked.
I'm on it" Simon said.
"Thank you," Beatrice said.
Beatrice looked at Eliza before relaxing.
She just had to stay steady for twenty-four hours and then she would be home.

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