Chapter 1: Day 1

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Being here brought me back memories of my dead father.

I gripped the steering wheel tightly as my knuckles turned blood white even though I was already parked and not driving. Okay I'll admit it, I was nervous. This was only my third week being back in my hometown and I'm starting it off at the homicide detective division where I'll be working as a homicide detective.

The past three weeks have been nonstop background checks and tests as my information was being processed. It wasn't a lot compared to the first round I had to do when I initially started as a homicide detective back in New York, now that was tiring. This time it was much easier since all my information was able to be processed to this division, I only needed to do a little more and I was in.

"You got this Valerie." I said to no one else but myself. Even though I'm technically not a rookie detective, I felt like one. I'm starting over with a fresh new team and different crime area even though I grew up here. I wasn't close to my old team and detective partner back in New York, but we got along just fine and were able to solve almost all the cases we had. Some were still unsolved.

I remember the first time I came here with my father. We were witnesses to a crime scene, well, my dad was. I was asleep in his arms the entire time and had only woken up when we had arrived at the homicide division to be questioned. I remember looking at this place with awe and seeing how everyone bustled around, always having something to do or somewhere to be. How devoted they were to solving the cases they had and how some were gentle to the witnesses and rough on the person who did the killing. I remember looking at my dad and telling him "I'm going to be a killer finder one day." I remember his laugh and him saying "You mean homicide detective. I believe in you Val, you can do it." And every time I think about this place, I think about my dad and that moment that started the rest of my life.

It was 8:45 AM and I started at 9:00 AM. I decided to get here early to give off a good impression. "Here goes nothing." I said to myself as I got out of the car and locked it. I was walking to the door when I saw a man also approaching that door.

When our eyes met, he immediately cracked a smile. He made his way over to me and extended out his hand. I took it and shook it. I suddenly remembered who he was.

Valerie: Hello, you must be Miles Fylan. I'm Valerie Emery, it's nice to finally meet you in person.

This is Mile's first day as well in this homicide unit. The only difference between us is that he actually is a rookie detective, his first day and first year in homicide. Hope he survives. We were automatically put in a chat together by the Sergeant of the unit who wanted us to get along since we were both starting on the same day. We texted a few times and made an agreement to meet each other at the parking lot before entering. I forgot. He probably got out of his car when he saw me.

Miles Fylan: Yes, It's nice to meet you! You look good, I like your outfit.

I blushed a little at his comment. It's not like I was wearing anything extravagant but his compliment made the nervous feelings go away a little. I looked up at him and he was tall. If I had to guess, I would say he was 6'0". He had light brown hair and light green eyes that seemed to glow. Looking at his face and the expression he was making, I could tell that he was nervous. I laughed.

Valerie: You need to calm down. It's okay to be nervous but you look like you're about to vomit today and yesterday's breakfast.

Miles Fylan: Please, I purposely avoided eating breakfast just in case that does happen. How long have you been in homicide? Is this your second year?

Valerie: It's actually about to be my third year. I did my first two in New York.

Miles Fylan: Awesome, I always wanted to go to New York.

I didn't know how to respond to that. I wasn't the one who usually enjoyed small talk. After a few moments of silence he spoke again.

Miles Fylan: Aren't you nervous?

I actually pondered on his question. Was I nervous? I mean yeah I was, I was more nervous than I should be. I looked at Miles' eyes and felt myself calmed down by them. Should I answer truthfully to him?

Valerie: I am a little nervous.

Miles Fylan: Does that nervous feeling ever go away?

Valerie: Not really, some are just better at ignoring it than others. It does get better to control after some time.

Miles Fylan: Well, at least we're in this together. Even though we barely know each other, I want you to know that you can always come to me when you need something.

I sincerely smiled at him.

Valerie: Thank you, Miles. I appreciate it.

Miles Fylan: Anytime

Miles looked at the door like it led to the belly of a beast. He swallowed hard and then looked at me, that nervous expression still on his face.

Miles Fylan: I know this is probably a stupid question but are you ready?

Valerie: No, and you're probably not either.

Miles faintly nodded his head.

Miles Fylan: Well it's time to start this new chapter of our lives, after you.

He held the door open for me and I stepped inside. Ready and also not ready to meet my new team.

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