Chapter 13: Day 2

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Beatrice: Val, you gotta be kidding me.

Valerie: Nope, it's all very much real.

I was back at the office and I was all alone. Kalvin was here a few minutes ago but I haven't seen him. Sarge was still in his office, I wonder what he does in there?

I was on the phone with Bea.

I knew I was going to be working late but she still wanted to call. I just filled her in on everything that had happened but I kept information about the case out. I never told Bea anything about the cases I solved.

Beatrice: VALERIE!

Valerie: What?

Beatrice: I can't believe that you didn't give Jaxson the case.

I knew Bea would be bothered by that.

Valerie: Trust me everybody has been giving me crap about that.

Beatrice: As they should! That was a stupid decision.

Valerie: Bea!

Beatrice: What? It's the truth.

Valerie: You are my best friend, you are supposed to support me.

Beatrice: Of course I support you, just not in this decision. I'm indeed your best friend and very much love you but I will also call you out on your crap like how I would expect you to do the same for me.

Valerie: Look I know me not choosing Jaxson looks bad but I did it for him as well. He isn't in the right mental state to solve a case. I mean he looked so out of it today.

Beatrice: But he still gave you the interview you wanted right?

Valerie: Yeah....

Beatrice: Are you sure that you didn't just do it out of your own benefit? Just to be with Callum? I'm sorry but that guy gives me the ick.

Valerie: I don't agree with what he did either but I chose Callum cause he seemed level headed and he was nice to me from the start.

Beatrice: Did you ever think that the reason he was nice to you was because he wanted something? We talked about this yesterday.

I can't believe that conversation was just yesterday, it felt like it was a long time ago. I didn't want to talk about Jaxson anymore, I was already feeling guilty enough.

Valerie: How was work today?

Beatrice: I know you're just trying to change the topic but don't worry we'll get back to it later. I took the day off.

Valerie: You did? Why didn't you say anything?

Beatrice: Um, it was last minute. I just stayed inside all day, only went out to get fruit at the store.

I'm not sure why Bea hesitated but I decided to ignore it.

Valerie: Your boss allowed you to call off?

Beatrice: Yup but enough about me, we are still talking about you and your bad decisions.

I looked at Jaxson's desk and the bag of donuts that I left there for him. Hopefully he will see them first thing when he comes in tomorrow.

Valerie: I brought donuts for him.

Beatrice: Oh yeah because why give him the case of his dead brother when you can just give him gas station donuts?

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