Chapter 3: Day 1

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Everything seemed to be calm after that whole interaction. Jaxson had left with the warrant squad to arrest his suspect so that meant I didn't have to see him. I was now at my desk which was between two empty desks. I looked at the name placards but didn't recognize the names, maybe they will show up later?

Each desk had dividers on both sides so we can have a little privacy but once your neighbor stood up from their chair, they would be able to see everything. Sergeant Donald Wactor had his own office which from the few times I visited, his door always seemed to be closed. He was in his office now, he said he had to respond to some emails.

I was turning on my computer and my monitors when I heard a faint knocking on the right side of my divider.

Callum Carver: Hello, newbie. How are you?

I looked up at him and yep, he was tall. Is being tall a requirement for the men to work here? I'm starting to think so. He had dark brown wavy hair with dark brown eyes. He smiled at me and wow, that was a beautiful smile. His teeth were bright and white and I just wanted to keep staring at them. He was attractive, I had to admit.

Valerie: Hello, I'm Valerie.

Callum Carver: I know who you are. Summer texted Kalvin and I on how you told Jaxson off, calling him a jerk. You got guts, that's for sure, I like that. I'm Callum, it's very nice to meet you, Val.

He called me Val. Only my dad and best friend from college called me Val. I wanted to keep it that way.

Valerie: It's nice to meet you too but please just call me Valerie.

Val is only for people who know me like really know me. I know people don't care about nicknames and stuff but I do. I'm Valerie to everyone and I'm going to keep it that way.

If Callum was confused by the request he didn't show it cause he smiled at me again. Ugh, if i'm to concentrate on anything he says then he needs to stop showing me that winning smile because it's starting to do something to my mind. FOCUS VALERIE, FOCUS.

Callum Carver: Have you gotten a tour of this place?

Valerie: Not really but I've been here before so I should know my way around.

Callum Carver: Things could have changed since the last time you been here, let me show you around.

Summer: Callum, are you already flirting with my girl Valerie?

Summer had come out of her desk which is on the other side of mine and made her way towards us.

Summer: Please excuse him, if he tries any flirting tactics with you, ignore him. He flirts with the plants when he's bored.

Callum laughed and it was a deep and rich laugh which I wouldn't mind hearing again.

Callum: Leave me alone, I'm just trying to make her feel welcomed.

Summer: Sure you are. Besides where have you been? Where's Kalvin?

Callum: Relax, Jaxson sent us this morning to go to the hotel where the victim was stabbed to death to see if we can get security footage from which the suspect should be seen leaving the hotel. We got it and Kalvin is in the back trying to download it to his computer.

Kalvin Pacher: Are y'all talking about me?

I can only assume that it was Kalvin who had just walked in. He had a silver chromebook tucked under his arm as he came to us. He had light brown hair just like Miles but with bangs and he had hazel eyes.

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