And So It Begins

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That's home, planet Earth but I'm not sure that's where I am right now. Okay, let me back up; it all began when the climate went completely out of control, the rainforest dried out, other places got totally flooded with oceans like chocolate sauce and get this, places that were normally blazing hot in the summer got super cold. At the time, I didn't know about any of this was going on because I was at camp. All of the other campers were you know...goofing off and hanging out. Me? I was enjoying the summer while um...going over my multiplication tables. That is, until it started snow in the middle of July, totally freaky. And it gets weirder. You won't believe what happened to me and seven other kids. Oh, by the way, my name's Tai.

A boy wearing a blue shirt with long sleeves, yellow stars near the shoulders and wearing goggles was laying back in a tree when a snowflakes hits him on the nose. A girl wearing a blue cap, yellow sleeveless turtleneck shirt, looks up. The red-haired girl is Sora. She's ok...for a girl.

And Matt. He's too cool. Look at that haircut. A tall blonde boy, wearing a green sleeveless shirt and blue jeans looks up.

And this little kid is Izzy; he should have gone to computer camp. The boy was sitting in front of his laptop, typing when he looks up at the sky.

That's Mimi. I'll bet you can guess what her favorite color is on the first try. Another girl who was sporting a pink cowgirl dress, a pink cowgirl hat, as well as wearing brown gloves and boots.

T.K. is Matt's little brother. A little boy with wearing a light green shirt and a green sleeves hoodie is on the ground with his hands out in front of him.

Then there's one of my twin little sisters, Keiko. She's shy but is talkative when she wants to be. A little girl with a sleeveless purple shirt, pink pants and wearing a yin yang necklace.

Oh, and this is Joe. Never scare him or he'll wet his pants. A young teenager carrying a bag wore a grey collared shirt, a white sweater, and grey shorts. He also had glasses on his face.

So, there we all were at camp and suddenly this huge blizzard appeared out of nowhere. Needless to say, the canoe races were cancelled...

"So, let's have toboggan races instead." said Tai and runs out of the shed.

"I'm going to build the biggest snowman ever!" yelled TK as he runs out of the shed.

"Hey T.K., be careful. Slow down." said Matt, chasing after his little brother.

"Burr, it is freezing out and I didn't bring a jacket." said Sora, shivering and walks over to Tai.

"Man, I was worried that I would catch a summer cold, but this is even worse." said Joe, standing in the doorway.

Mimi squeezes through, past Joe. "Wow! Why didn't I pack my fluffy pink snow boots?" Mimi asked herself.

Keiko walks out with a light jacket on her small body. "I should've brought some mittens." she said and runs out towards T.K. Izzy was still inside, messing around with his computer. "Still not working...bummer." said Izzy. "The storm is making a mess of my inferred internet connection."

"Hey! What's your name, Izzy?" Tai yelled out to him. "Come on out here. You've gotta see this!"

Everyone was looking up at the sky to see what the lights of Aurora. "It's beautiful, magical even." said a wide-eyed Mimi.

"Yeah, but what is it?" asked Izzy, ruining the moment.

"Maybe it's an aurora." said Sora as she stood between Tai and Sakura.

"You mean Aurora Borealis, the northern lights?" Izzy asked. "That's impossible. You see that's in Alaska. We're way to far south."

"Tell that to the snow." said Sora.

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