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After the fight with Shellmon, the digidestined and their digimon were standing on a cliff, staring out at the ocean. "We've almost searched the whole island and we still haven't found any people." thought Tai. "Just some monsters with attitude but they couldn't beat our digimon friends who could turn into these awesome fighters. Like when Agumon digivolved into Greymon and kicked Shellmon to the curb. He was so cool. Yo Agumon."

"What's up, Tai?" asked Agumon.

"I like it when you're Greymon. No offense, but why don't you just stay that way?" Tai asked him.

"I can't but even superheroes need a rest." said Agumon, causing Tai to trip forward and nearly falls off a cliff when suddenly Agumon grabs Tai by his shirt. Everyone started laughing at what happened between the two when they suddenly heard something roar behind them. A second later, an Ankylosaur-like digimon smashed through a rock.

"Who's that digimon?" Izzy asked Tentomon.

"It's Monochromon, but don't worry about him, he's a laid back digimon. Although it is wise to be a bit cautious with a Monochromon. They do tend to get a bit miffed when they're hungry." explained Tentomon.

"Then he must be starving cause he looks really mad." said Tai.

"And I think he wants to eat us." said Mimi but then a second Monochromon appeared.

"There's two of them." said Joe.

"We're caught between a rock and two sets of teeth." said Matt and the two Monochromon started to charge at each other, while the kids and their digimon run away.

"Something must have set those Monochromon off." said Tai.

"They're fighting over territory." said Tentomon.

"They can just have it then." said Palmon.

"Yeah." said Keiko and Renamon.

"Hey, don't leave without me!" said Mimi, running next to her digimon with the others following them.

"They definitely don't need us hanging around." said Tai. As they continued to run, T.K. trips, causing him to fall to the ground.

"T.K., come on!" shouted Matt, worried about his little brother.

"Better hurry up, you guys." said Tai.

"Okay. We're comin'." replied T.K. and runs with Matt close behind. Meanwhile both Monochromon continued to battle each other but then both fell over the edge of the cliff and into the water below.

After a while, the sun begins to set. "I don't walk this much unless I'm at a mall. And as you can see, we're nowhere near one." whined Mimi as she leaned against a tree.

"Mimi, stop whining." said Tai, walking on.

"No, my feet hurt!" she shouted.

"Then don't complain about it." mumbled Keiko.

"And don't shout about it either." grumbled Renamon.

"Maybe if you took off your boots and socks, you feel better Mimi. It's much more practical I think." said Agumon.

"I'm not walking, dirtying my bare feet!" huffed Mimi.

"I love the feel of dirt under my feet, especially between my toes." said Palmon.

"Gross!" exclaimed Mimi.

"It appears we may be losing our light source." said Izzy, looking up at the sky.

"What a weird sunset." added Sora, seeing the sky lit up in different colors.

"This whole island is weird and who knows what will come out at night." said Izzy.

Digimon: Digital Monsters Season 1Where stories live. Discover now