The Arrival of SkullGreymon

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The digidestined and their digimon are now wandering through the desert and were starting to lose hope. "Oh, how far do we have to walk?" asked Mimi.

"Until Etemon can't follow us anymore." said Joe.

"I don't think there is such a place." said Mimi.

"And we certainly can't stop here in the middle of nowhere. For one thing, if we're attacked, there be no place for us to run to." Matt added.

"The only place I know Etemon can't follow us is in the ocean but we can't turn back now." said Izzy.

"This is starting to look bad." thought Sora, walking behind everyone. "Everyone's becoming so timid and afraid."

"Hey, come on you guys! Why'd we stop?" Tai asked the others. "Why is everyone so scared? After all, we do have the crest you know."

"That's true. And how do we know if it will really help Agumon digivolve?" said Matt.

"Of course, right Agumon?" said Tai, causing Agumon to look up at him.

"I feel that not going to end well for my brother." said Keiko in a grim tone with a weird look on her face.

"How do you know that?" asked Nyaromon.

"Knowing Tai....he's not thinking this one all the way through because he's gone overboard." she tells her digimon.

"Listen buddy, this is your big chance. Don't let me down. You're the only one who can digivolve further, so either you try to get to the next level and save us from Etemon or I'll go get myself a new Digimon!" Tai yelled at Agumon.

"Not much of a choice." said Tentomon.

"By the way, how are we supposed to use the crest to digivolve again?" asked Tai.

"Well, from what we've seen so far with the other digivolutions, it takes a lot of energy; for example they can't digivolve if they're hungry." Izzy explains. "In addition, the partner of the digimon must be in some sort of danger. You know, like being under attack or something."

"But since it's a higher level of digivolving, my theory is more energy is needed." said Tai. "So we'll provide the food and Etemon will provide the danger."

"Oh boy." said Keiko and Nyaromon.

Meanwhile Etemon was traveling in his trailer across the desert, searching for the digidestined. "You better watch out you digidestined kids." Etemon said to himself. "I'll find you and when I do, you're gonna wish you never crossed Etemon. I'll get you."

After they found a place to rest for a bit, Tai was busy stuffing Agumon with all the food they had, even though Agumon was full. "No more!" said Agumon, with his mouth full of food.

"Just one more teensy little bite. Ready for the second course?" asked Tai as he stuffed more food down his digimon's throat. Agumon groaned from a full stomach.

"Oh stop your belly aching and open wide." Tai said to Agumon. "You gotta keep eating. Listen, everyone's giving you their food so you can digivolve. Is that right?" Sitting on a hill not from him, were the others. "Right." said Matt.

"Tai! Stop stuffing Agumon like that!" said Keiko. "You're going to make him sick!"

"Poor Agumon." said Nyaromon.

"I'm not making him sick!" Tai shouted at his sister.

"Yes you are!" Keiko shouted back. "Why do you think Uncle Frank stuffs himself with so much food at thanksgiving?"

"Don't compare Agumon to Uncle Frank, Keiko!" shouted Tai.

"I can and I will, Tai!" screamed Keiko.

"We didn't give him our food. He took it from us." said Mimi. "Of all the nerve."

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