The Earthquake of MetalGreymon

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"When Datamon wasn't able to get his revenge on Etemon, he kidnapped Sora and took off." said Tentomon.

It was now nighttime in the digital world and the digidestined were outside by the fire while Izzy was inside, working on his laptop and looking at the screen of the pyramid. "We don't have a clue where to start looking for them." said Joe. "Besides, we could all end up dead or worse."

"What could be worse than death?" asked Keiko.

"Beats me." said Nyaromon. "I don't know what death is like."

"What if Datamon does something to harm Sora while we just sit here on our butts?" asked Tai.

"Look Tai, he's already beaten our brains out once. What makes you think he won't do it again? We need to come up with a plan before we go anywhere." said Matt.

"This is more depressing than a soap opera." said Mimi. Behind them, T.K. and Keiko were sitting with the digimon.

"I'm worried about Sora." said Keiko before looking over at T.K. "I really hope Datamon doesn't hurt her."

"Me too. We'll get her back, Keiko." said T.K. "In the meantime, we better get some sleep. We'll stay next to you guys in case any of you get scared." The digimon nodded their heads in agreement.

"Good night, guys." said T.K. and Keiko. Later, after T.K., Felicity and the digimon fell asleep, the older kids continued to talk about what to do. "It's tough not knowing what to do." Matt said to Tai.

"The minute I saw what was happening, I should have gone after her." said Tai, blaming himself for what happened.

"It's no use blaming yourself, Tai. We're really all to blame." said Joe.

"Yeah and we're all gonna find a way to get her back." said Matt.

"Hey! I've got it, I know where Sora is." said Izzy and they all go inside where Izzy shows them a map of the pyramid. "I think Datamon only pretended to take her away when in reality, they've been right here the whole time."

"Are you telling me that they're still right here inside the pyramid?" Tai asked excitedly.

"Yes. I've discovered that way down below the pyramid that there's a secret room and I just know that's where he's holding them." said Izzy when a third pyramid appears under the top two. "He's found the perfect hiding place right under Etemon's nose."

"Not a bad hiding place as long as he isn't sneezing." said Joe.

"There's gotta be a way in. I don't care what I've gotta do, I'm gonna find that room and I'm gonna bring Sora back." Tai said to the others. "Guys, I totally understand if you rather wait here."

"Enough with the guilt trip, I'm coming with you." said Matt.

"Don't think you're leaving me behind." said Joe.

"Remember the old saying, Tai. 'There's no I in team'." said Mimi.

"Can we come too if we're brave?" asked T.K. and Keiko.

"Alright then. Now let's go get Sora!" yelled Tai and the others cheered. Meanwhile, in a hidden room, Sora opens her eyes to see that she's strapped down to a table.

"Have I been dreaming? This isn't my bedroom. Where am I?" thought Sora as she looks around and sees Biyomon strapped to the wall, still knocked out. "Biyomon!" Sora cried out to her digimon. "This isn't a dream. No!"

"Don't be alarmed, my dear, she's simply exhausted from all the excitement." explained Datamon as he stood on a computer. "She'll be fine when I use her for my plans to destroy Etemon."

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