Princess Karaoke

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Tai, Keiko, Joe, Agumon, Renamon and Gomamon were in Matt's boat. "Hey, what's wrong you guys? Can't you guys make this boat go any faster?" asked Agumon as he sits on top of the boat with Keiko and Renamon.

"What are you doing to help?" asked Joe.

"Watching out for icebergs with Keiko and Renamon." Agumon tells Joe.

"We'd gladly trade places with you but...." said Gomamon, sitting in the water at the front of the boat.

"....unfortunately our little legs won't reach the peddles." said Agumon and Gomamon in unison, then starts laughing.

"Hey! We could go faster if we threw you off!" threatened Tai.

"You wouldn't." said Agumon.

"It's tempting." said Tai.

"Better not." said Gomamon.

"He I would be careful if I were you and Gomamon." said Keiko.

"How would you know?" asked Agumon.

"Because she knows Tai." said Renamon.

"And he knows certain things that Kari and I don't." Keiko added. A few minutes later, they arrive on an island with a castle on a very high cliff.

"Whoa! That palace is huge!" said Joe as the six of them stood in awe.

"And way up there. As if my legs weren't tired already." said Tai, taking out his digivice and checks to see a green dot at the top, showing Mimi's location above an orange, silver and crimson dots. "But there's no doubt about it. That is Mimi, so up we go."

"You know, if this was in the real world, you, me and Kari would have our own rooms." said Keiko as the six of them started climbing the stairs to the top.

"True, but you and Kari would miss each other too much if you two were in separate rooms." said Tai. "The both of you are basically attached at the hip since the day you were born."

"You know us so well." said Keiko as Renamon giggles. Once they made it to the top, the six of them fell to the ground, exhausted from paddling and climbing the stairs. "How do they get their mail?" asked Joe.

"Good question." said Keiko, then looks over at him. "How do they get their mail?"

Just then, they hear multiple voices on the other side of the door, shouting things that didn't make sense to them at all. They opened the door to find frogs with tube like horns attached to their bodies and big tadpole like digimon. "Is this some kind of palace or loony bin?" asked Tai.

"If it is....." said Keiko, her mouth dropped as a tadpole digimon ran by. "then I wanna be committed."

"It seems like it's both." said Joe as they opened the door a little wider.

"Her highness is getting angry." said a frog like digimon.

"Oh, these are Gekomon? I've heard of them." said Gomamon about the frog-like digimon. "They really love music....not surprising since they're born with those horns."

"Hurry before she blows her top!" shouted a tadpole digimon.

"And I've heard of the other digimon.....they're called Otamamon." said Agumon.

"Hurry! Hurry!" shouted Gekomon.

"Could you help us?" asked Gomamon, catching the attention of a Geckomon. "We're looking for someone."

"About time you got here." said Geckomon. "Where's the triple hot fudge sundae we ordered on delivery for the princess?"

"That's not us." said the six all at once.

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