Out on the Town

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It was now nighttime in Japan and in the town of Shibuya, two of Myotismon's goons were out. "Let me drive. You're going the wrong way." said a voice.

"How do you know which way to go? You've never been to the real world before." said another voice.

"Whats the difference?" asked the first voice. "I've never driven a car before either."

"Well, it's my first time too." said the second voice as both voices start laughing. A car comes to a stop with two strange creatures on top of it, one was a rock type creature while his friend looked like a doll with a pumpkin head with an axe in it.

"Whoa, check 'em out. So these are city people in the real world." said the Pumpkin creature. "They don't look like much fun."

"Well, Pumpkinmon, you're the right guy to teach them what fun really is. You are, without a doubt, the most rocking creature to ever have a Pumpkin for a head." said the rock creature. "Remember, chicks dig evil digimon. At least that's what I keep telling myself anyway."

"Gotsumon, you are the mon. We're gonna have such a blast here in the real world. They might even name a building after you, the 'Gotsumonument', where they keep all the party supplies. 3, 2, 1....liftoff!" said Pumpkinmon as they jumped off the car roof.

Meanwhile, on the subway, Matt was taking T.K. home. "How much longer, Matt?" asked T.K.

"Relax, T.K., we're almost home." said Matt as the two brothers stare silently at their own reflections in the window.

"Matt and T.K.'s mom and dad aren't together anymore, Patamon, so even though their brothers, they don't live together." said Tsunomon, sitting on the luggage rack with Patamon.

"So, T.K lives with their mom and Matt lives with their dad. That explains why they try so hard to stay together all the time." said Patamon. T.K. pulls out his digivice and looks at the built-in clock, that reads 7:07 pm.

"Sure is late." said T.K.

"Yeah, so?" asked Matt.

"The next stop is good enough." said T.K.

"No, I'm gonna take you all the way home, little brother." Matt tells his little brother.

"You don't have to." T.K. replied.

"I know I don't have to, but I'm going to, okay?" said Matt. "I've got my reasons."

"What reasons?" asked T.K.

"You're my brother." answered Matt.

"Thanks, Matt." said T.K.

"Ah, nothing like sweet brotherly love." said Patamon.

"That's a Digi-mouthful." said Tsunomon.

"We like it when you guys get mushy." Patamon said to the brothers.

"Hey, quit it!" shouted T.K.

"Easy, T.K." said Matt. "He didn't mean anything by it."

"Yeah, so you don't have to be mean about it. I thought what you guys said was nice." said Patamon.

"Mind your own bees-wax!" shouted T.K. "Why are you listening to our conversation anyway?"

"Fine, you don't want me around, I'll leave." said Patamon.

"Patamon." said Tsunomon.

"I know when I'm not wanted." said Patamon as he flies out the train once the doors opened.

"Patamon, don't." said Matt as he and Tsunomon were about to chase after him, but notices that T.K. doesn't move. "Patamon got off the train, T.K. Don't you want to go after him?"

Digimon: Digital Monsters Season 1Where stories live. Discover now