Wizardmon's Gift

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"Kari, don't! You don't know what you're doing!" shouted Matt as Phantomon had Kari in a bubble. "You're giving yourself up to Myotismon! He'll destroy you and gain control of both worlds!"

"Kari! Come back!" screamed Keiko, reaching out for her sister as Renamon held her back. "You can't do this!"

"Kari, no!" screamed Matt.

After losing Kari to Phantomon, Matt, Keiko, Renamon and Sora went inside while the other digimon watched from outside. Matt growled in anger as he slammed his fists on the side of the warehouse door, scaring Keiko. "It's not your fault." said Sora.

"Yes it is. I blew it." said Matt. "Tai asked me to protect her and I couldn't! I let everyone down."

"You didn't let me down, Matt." said Keiko. "I let Tai down too, not just you."

"But I was in charge." said Matt.

"Matt." said Sora.

"We'll get her back, Matt." said Renamon.

"She's right, Matt. It seems to me there are two things you could do about this. Number 1: you can stand there and beat yourself up about the whole thing. Or number 2: we can find a way to rescue Kari." said Sora. "What's it going to be?"

"I vote for rescuing Kari." said Keiko.

"Me too!" said Renamon.

"You three are right." said Matt, turning around to face them. "Let's get her."

"All right!" shouted Keiko and Renamon as they both joined Matt on Garurumon's back while Sora was picked up by Garudamon.

Meanwhile, Tai and Agumon continued to make their way towards the convention center to rescue his parents. "Hurry, Agumon. The convention center's up ahead." said Tai. "That's where my parents are being held prisoner. And keep an eye out for Myotismon."

Just then, DemiDevimon flies overhead towards the convention center. "Huh? Whats that?" asked Tai as he and Agumon looked up. Inside the convention center, Gatomon was going through the kids the Bakemon had captured.

"Well, Gatomon? Is this the 9th child?" asked Myotismon as Gatomon shakes her head.

"Myotismon!" said DemiDevimon as he flew inside the convention center.

"What is it?" Myotismon asked.

"You're going to love this boss. I've found the 9th digidestined." said DemiDevimon, shocking Myotismon and Gatomon with his news.

"You did?" asked Myotismon.

"What? How did he do it?" Mimi asked.

"Oh no! Not Kari!" thought Gatomon, hanging her head in sadness.

"You hear that? It's over." said Myotismon as Gatomon growls at him. "Well, I have no use for these little brats anymore."

"Right. What should I do with them, O' evil one?" asked DemiDevimon.

"Make them go to sleep. I'll find a way to deal with them later." said Myotismon, laughing.

DemiDevimon then created a mist inside the convention center, putting all the kids, including Mimi, to sleep. Myotismon grabs Gatomon by her collar and follows DemiDevimon out of the convention center to the location of the 9th child, unknowns to him, he doesn't see Tai and Agumon down below. "Myotismon." said Tai.

"Where could he be going?" asked Agumon. Back inside, Mimi was asleep on the floor with the other kids when suddenly her crest of Sincerity glows, causing her to wake up. Tai and Agumon ran through the halls of the convention center, but are cut off by a bunch of Bakemon.

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