Biyomon Gets Firepower

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The digidestined were now walking through the forest full of signs. "Hey!" said Sora, causing everyone to look up.

"Did you hear that?" asked Tai.

"What's that sound?" asked Keiko. Everyone looks to see some kind of black gear in the sky.

"It seems to be some sort of aircraft." said Matt.

"It looked like a big flying gear." said Sora.

"Admit it; my alien theory is becoming more plausible." said Izzy.

"Yeah, they hit us with an anti-gravity ray to make us all crooked or maybe that sign's just crooked." said Joe as T.K. trips on a root.

"T.K." said Sora as Tai picks him up.

"That was scary." said T.K.

"Watch it." said Matt.

"That could have been a snake or worse." said Tai.

"Aww, I'm sorry. Hey Biyomon, are they're really snakes here?" asked T.K.

"No, just giant flying killer bugs and other unpleasant Digimon." Biyomon replied.

"Don't worry, T.K. I'll take care of them!" said Patamon, sounding brave.

"And I got your back, Keiko." said Renamon, glaring at invisible digimon who would dare cross her path.

"Thanks Renamon." said Keiko, smiling as T.K. giggles.

"Okay, now that that's settled, let's get going." said Sora.

"Nothing's settled and where would we go? We don't even know where we are." said Matt.

"This is silly. I say we keep moving and see if we can find any signs of intelligent life here." said Tai.

"Hey, wait a minute; is he saying that Digimon are not intelligent? Is that what he's saying?" asked Biyomon, rubbing her head against Sora's legs.

"Not at all, but I think Tai's right. We need to keep moving in hopes of finding out where we are. We need to stay calm and stick together. Let's remember, we're in this together." Sora said to Biyomon.

"Together sounds good." said Biyomon.

"We can do it; this will take teamwork and I'm sure we'll figure out exactly where we are and how to get back. There's no point in splitting up because then once someone did figure it out..." Sora said but was then interrupted.

"Hey Sora, open your eyes." Biyomon tells her. Sora then looks to see that everyone walking away from her.

"Oh, thanks a lot for waiting!" she shouted after them.

"Moving right along folks, keep it moving. Our next stop on the tour will be the Forest of Irrelevant Road Signs. No pictures please." said Matt, making a joke as they continued to walk through the forest while Sora holds Biyomon's wing.

"We're lost and these guys are making jokes." thought Sora.

"Hey, hold up." said Joe. "My shoelace is broken.

"You need new shoes. Oh, new shoes." said Mimi as she starts thinking about new shoes.

"Look. Telephone poles! I say we follow them and see where they lead." said Matt.

"They'll just lead to trouble." said Joe.

"Look, it's the alien saucer again." said Izzy, spotting a flying gear heading for a mountain.

"It's a funny looking alien saucer." said Keiko.

"And it's heading for a close encounter." Matt added as it crashes into the mountain.

Digimon: Digital Monsters Season 1Where stories live. Discover now