Evil Shows His Face

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"This place could really use a good bus system." said Joe as he, Tai, Keiko, Sora and their digimon stand by the edge of Infinity Mountain. Meanwhile Matt, T.K., Izzy, Mimi and their digimon finally arrived to find the others staring out at the ocean. "Yeah, looks like we're at the end of the line." said Matt as he and T.K. walked up.

"We're doomed! Trapped on an island...we'll never get out of here alive. I knew I wouldn't like summer camp, but would my folks listen? No, I wanted to go to summer school." said Joe as he was on the ground. Meanwhile a black gear flies through the sky.

"Another black gear." said a humanoid like lion digimon, who wore long black pants and a sword attached to his back before continuing up to Infinity Mountain. "I sense danger." Suddenly a green ogre like digimon wielding a big club pops out and attacks him.

"Pummel Whack! Leomon, you may be mighty but now you face me. Your kind-hearted leadership is unimpressive." said the ogre like digimon, charging at Leomon.

"Ogremon, you truly are the most evil of the bad digimon. There is no limit to your ruthlessness." said Leomon as he pulls out his sword and clangs it with Ogremon's club, causing the two weapons to get knocked out of their hands.

"Grr...no one asked you here. No one wants you here." said Ogremon. "I strongly suggest that you go now! While you still can."

"The endless attack of black gears that keep dropping from this mountain are turning peaceful innocent digimon into monsters and I have come here to make it stop!" said Leomon, raising his fists.

"What a joke. You have been warned." said Ogremon and raises his fists as well, shooting out a dark purple energy while Leomon shoots out orange energy from his fists. As their attacks collided, the surrounding rocks exploded into rubble.

"Both of you stop! Cease this foolishness! I command the two of you work together for me, not fight! You will work for me!" said a mysterious voice.

"I will never do that." said Leomon.

"Neither will I!" said Ogremon.

"Be silent! For I am Devimon, ultimate ruler of the demon underworld. You must obey my every command." said Devimon.

"Sir, you don't need that joker. I can handle whatever you need done without anyone's assistance." said Ogremon, sounding confident of himself.

"I think not. It is the digidestined kids we'll be fighting." said Devimon.

"The digidestined? Where are they?" asked Leomon.

"They're already here on Infinity Mountain. Now, go find them and destroy the entire group." ordered Devimon.

"Destroy them?" questioned Leomon. "I'll destroy you for having threatened the digidestined! Fist of the Beast King!"

Leomon sends an energy blast shaped like a lion's head at Devimon but it goes right through him. "Please Leomon, I'm not requesting for your assistance, I'm demanding it. Now prepare for the Touch of Evil!" said Devimon as his arms sprout out of the ground and stabs Leomon in the back, infusing him with dark energy. "Hahahaha, now you will obey my every command!"

"Yes...I...will...obey." said Leomon in a monotone voice as his eyes went black and under Devimon's control.

Meanwhile with the digidestined, Tai was sitting on the edge looking through his telescope. "Hmm." said Tai, taking in the view.

"Whatcha doing?" asked Agumon.

"Making a map of the island. That way, we can know where we are and where we've already been." said Tai, continuing to draw on the piece of paper.

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