WereGarurumon's Diner

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Matt and Gabumon find themselves lost after travelling on a boat from the amusement park where they had left T.K. and Keiko.

"Where are we, Matt?" asked Gabumon. "Don't tell me we're lost again."

"Okay, I won't but just take a look at that ridge up there." said Matt.

"Where?" he asked, then sees a few Digimon on the ridge. "Hey, other Digimon."

"I say we follow them wherever they're going and hope they're not lost too." said Matt, as he and Gabumon followed the three digimon to a restaurant. "Huh, now that's weird. A restaurant in the middle of nowhere."

"The perfect location for hungry digimon." said Gabumon. Inside the restaurant, the three digimon were ordering from a digimon who appeared to them as a waiter. "The usual waiter, a large snow cone." said Frigimon.

"Same here." said Kokatorimon.

"Mm-hmm. And add fruit." added Monzaemon.

"Okay, okay, I got it, a number four and two specials." said the waiter Digimon, writing it down.

"Meet Vegiemon....the maniacal manager of a rundown café. He puts a new spin on the term 'slave driver'." said Joe.

"Bus boy!" Vegiemon shouted towards the kitchen. "Go get some new customers." He then throws Gomamon out the front door, landing at the bottom of the steps.

"Huh?" said Matt, seeing Gomamon hitting the ground.

"Gomamon, are you okay?" asked Gabumon, running over to his friend.

"Gabumon and Matt! Is Joe ever going to be happy to see you two." said Gomamon. A moment later, Gomamon leads Matt and Gabumon into the kitchen, where Joe was seen cooking food for some reason.

"Hey Matt." said Joe, happy to see him and Gabumon.

"Hey Joe, where've you been and what are you doing here?" asked Matt.

"Well, you see, I umm...." stammered Joe.

"You left, then Izzy wondered off and so did Mimi, leaving me with T.K. and Keiko alone." Matt tells him.

"I know. Well, it started when we all went our separate ways to look for Tai." said Joe. "I wasn't lost. I definitely knew I wasn't, but I just didn't know exactly where I was....I think."


Joe and Gomamon were walking through the desert when DemiDevimon appeared in front of them. "You're lost, aren't ya?" asked DemiDevimon.

"Ah! Why'd you sneak up on me like that? Who are you?" asked Joe.

"Just a friend." said DemiDevimon. "I thought you'd like to know I saw some other humans nearby."

"You say you saw my friends? Which way?" asked Joe.

"This way. But we've gotta hurry before we lose them." DemiDevimon to Joe, flying in a random direction of where he had seen Joe's friends.

"I was sure he was leading us the wrong way, but who was I to question?" Joe asked. "It's not like I knew my way around. Eventually we ended up at this restaurant which at the time was good cause we were starving."

"Boy, I wish my mom cooked like this." said Joe with a full stomach.

"Delicious." said Gomamon, with a full stomach as well.

"And now the bill." said Vegiemon, giving it to them.

"Oh, of course. This should be enough." said Joe, handing Vegiemon the yen.

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