The Birth of Greymon

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s the eight digidestined and their digimon fell from the cliff, towards the river as Biyomon, Tentomon and Patamon fly towards their partners.

"Izzy!" Tentomon called out.

"T.K.!" shouted Patamon. All three tried to stop their partners from falling, but as it turns out, they were too heavy.

Palmon then wraps her arm around Mimi's waist, then used her vines to grab a hold of a rock, but then the rock she grabbed broke away from the cliff and they continued to fall with the others. The first ones to hit the water were Joe and Gomamon.

"Fish Bed!" shouted Gomamon as he summons his fish friends, telling them to swim together, forming a huge raft made of colorful fish underneath them. Everyone else was just about to hit the water but instead, they landed on the fish.

"Wow, this is some ride." said Tai with Agumon under his arms.

"I never want to fall from a cliff like that ever again." said Keiko as Renamon held onto her.

"Agreed." said Renamon.

"Wha...hey look out!" yelled Matt, looking up and seeing the cliff crumbling away and heading right towards them.

"Go!" shouted Gomamon, causing the fish to swim faster. As the rocks and Kuwagamon fell into the river, the splash made a huge wave behind them and closed in. The wave was so fast, it threw them out of the water and onto dry land.

"I knew we'd be okay." said Matt. "I wasn't worried."

"What was that a floating fish market?" asked Joe.

"Lucky for us, those fish were having a school reunion. Haha." joked Gomamon.

"Hmm?" Joe said, staring at his digimon.

"I'm kidding. Those fish are good friends of mine and I just asked them for a lift." Gomamon explained to him.

"And all these years I thought I was allergic to sea food, thank you." said Joe, before standing up. "Uh, I...I guess it's not Bukamon?"

"Gomamon now." said Gomamon.

"Gomamon?" asked Joe.

"And I guess that you're not Tokomon, are you?" T.K. asked Patamon.

"Mmm, now I'm Patamon." said Patamon.

"You're too tall to be Nyaromon anymore." said Keiko, tilting her head to the side as she looked up at her digimon.

"I'm Renamon." said Renamon, grinning shyly as she fiddled with her hands.

"It's all because we digivolved." Agumon said.

"I don't think that word is in my dictionary." said Tai as he stood in front of his digimon.

"So digivolving is what happens when they advance to the next level and become more powerful than before." said Izzy, now knowing what happened.

"Right, all of us digivolved. I went from Motimon to Tentomon." explained Tentomon.

"I digivolved from Yokomon to Biyomon." Biyomon said to Sora.

"First I was Tsunomon, then Gabumon." Gabumon said to Matt.

"And I changed from Tanemon to Palmon." Palmon said to Mimi.

"And me, I was Koromon. I digivolved into Agumon." said Agumon.

"Hmm, when you digivolved, you certainly got way bigger." said Tai. "Does this mean you're something different or are you still digimon?"

"Digimon, but I need your help Tai." Agumon said.

"Me? For what?" Tai asked, his hands behind his head.

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