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So, dfvgbhnj, I'm new here. My name is Sky, and I like Hermitcraft. I write stupid stuff sometimes. 

I'll tell y'all right now, I have no idea what I'm doing. Bear with me?

As you might have seen from the title, this is a oneshots book. I'll include things like stories, AUs, incorrect quotes, and sometimes art because my computer hates downloading images for some reason.


Things I will write: 

Ships- mostly fluff because angst hurts my soul.

Platonic stuff.

Crack fics, because I'm weird that way.

I'll do Life Series stuff too, in case you were wondering.

I do rare angst, and I will do Hanahaki.

Things I won't write: 

Smut, or any citrus stuff. Writing it makes me uncomfortable.

I won't ship X, False, Pearl, or Gem, as they have stated that they don't like it.


I do take requests, but I might not do all of them, and I might not update this a lot. 

Hope you understand ^^ 

Hermitcraft OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now