Headcanons - 2

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*looks at Wattpad* Oh yeah, I said I would finish this. *looks at calender* HOLY CRA-

Ahem. Anyway, I said I would continue my headcanons. But now it's season 10, and I have new headcanons with the designs and stuff, so my old ones are outdated. I also hate them, so I might change them. You know what, I will. I don't care. Yeah.



Admin of the server- He can control server events, mob spawning, updates, and other things. Sometimes he uses that to mess with people when he's bored.



Wood elf

Never takes his armor off around others.



Avian- Parrot morph

Tiny little gremlin

Has parrot wings, so he doesn't need any elytra.

He tends to procrastinate by pranking people. Also not building the back of the base, lol




Likes to decorate things with intricate redstone contraptions.

Is a redstone genius, but is quite stupid regarding anything else.


Wood elf

He has a cane that he uses to help him walk sometimes, he also uses it to hit people when they annoy him or make him mad.

Jellie. Need I elaborate?  (o7)


Vex hybrid-

 -He has little ghost wings.

 -He can fly without an elytra, but his wings are small, so only for a short amount of time.

Likes to write and do research, sometimes writes study guides.

Can do the Minecraft equivalent of writing a novel in a week.

He really likes cinnamon buns.



Is a girlboss. (We all know it, don't deny it.)



Writes a lot of poetry.

Uses a lot of big complicated words.

Dog catcher, Cleo agitator.


Sheep hybrid-

-Can turn into a sheep, which he uses for messing with people. Also spying.

-Can't eat meat. Only greens. He's a vegetarian, basically, but if he eats meat, he gets really sick.

He likes the stupid stuff.

Science boi


Dragon- Flame morph

Likes pancakes. (Don't ask where I got this idea. Because I don't know either.)



People think he's responsible. He's not though. (Although he is one of the more responsible hermits)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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