Headcanons - 1

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It's headcanon time!

I don't watch everybody, so my headcanons may be a little trash, but I hope you like my ideas, and pls remind me if I forget anybody. (I forgot to tag Wels and False, whoops.) 

I'll explain the characters first, then specific species and other things.



Admin of the server- He can control server events, mob spawning, updates, and other things. Sometimes he uses that to mess with people when he's bored.


Endling- He can breathe without his helmet in the End, but anywhere else he needs his helmet. 


Wood Elf

Never takes his armor off around others.



Avian- Parrot morph

Tiny little gremlin

Has parrot wings, so he doesn't need any elytra. 

He tends to procrastinate by pranking people. 

Is just a liiiittle pesky.




Likes to decorate things with intricate redstone contraptions. 

Is a redstone genius, but is quite stupid regarding anything else.


Wood elf

He has a cane that he uses to help him walk sometimes, he also uses it to hit people when they annoy him or make him mad.

Jellie. Need I elaborate?


Vex hybrid-

      -He has little ghost wings that don't work.

      -Can fly through walls like a vex, but takes damage while in a block, the longer he's in a block, the more damage he takes.

Likes to write and do research, sometimes writes study guides.

Can do the Minecraft equivalent of writing a novel in a week. 

He really likes cinnamon buns.



Armor stand magician!

Is a girlboss. (We all know it, don't deny it.)



Writes a lot of poetry.

Uses a lot of big complicated words. 

Dog catcher, Cleo agitator.


Sheep hybrid- 

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