Tanya's Last Actions

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Me and Angel became friends again after we both realized that Tanya was trying to tear us a part. And our friendship grew stronger and stronger each day after that. It would pain others to see us becoming such good friends. Our friendship survived, but things got worse and worse. We got a new girl in our class who was a copy of  Tanya, Maybell. Maybell and Tanya became the bestest friends ever. They together bullied me with everyone else. One of  them would throw ice on me till my face started bleeding, and some of them would tell me how badly I smelled and how no one would ever like me. One time, Tanya and Maybelle prank called me and told me that Henry missed me and that he wanted to dated me again. Ofcoure i didn't fall for this trap... at first. But after some time, they somehow made me believe that it was actually him. Everything was just a lie. Henry was never there, it was all just Tanya and Maybell wanting to bother me. They together laughed at me and hung up the phone. I was crushed and felt completely worthless. However, after a few months, things got better.

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