Hate To Break It To You

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Mark’s head snapped towards my direction the moment I walked in. He quickly stood up from his chair and came up to me. He looked down at the bag, which was conveniently tied the belt strap of my skinny jeans. How smart is that? You are welcome, people. Sean walked to Isom and extended his hand, a gesture of ‘hand me the money’. He groaned in defeat and slapped the fifty onto Sean’s hand. Cubbie was drumming his fingers on the table, watching Mark and I. This silence is very nerve wrecking, so I just say it. “I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t know why I asked you that.”

“I didn’t know why I flipped out on you.”

“You had the right, I was being an ass.” He paused,  “I’m not mad at you.”

“So am I.” Another silence. Mark later pulled me into a bear hug. I really needed that. We stood there for an awkwardly long time with his cheek on the top of my head. I felt his thumb stroking my shoulder comfortingly. For a moment there, I felt that I could finally breath again and that the weight has been lifted off. Sean is right, he does understand me.

“Are you okay now?” He pulled away with his hands on my shoulders. I shrugged, which made Mark and everybody else silent. “Tell me what’s wrong.” I took a deep asthmatic- Seriously, I cannot stop thinking about my asthma ever since that talk with Isom- breath.

“We’re going to need five thousand gallons of superglue.” I finally said,

“What did you do?” He snarled,

“I saw it.” I whimpered and stepped back from Mark,

“Saw what?” He spat, “I told you not to-“

“Will you let her explain?” Cubbie interjected. I sat down, and so did Mark. “Nobody interrupts.” Cubbie warned,

“I saw Pontius and Natalie making out, which was quite disgusting… Then down at the store, Sean and I saw her looking at a row of condoms… A guy then walked in and turns out it was James Simmons…”

“Who’s James Simmons?” Isom asked. Sean and I glanced in panic and then he gave me an approving nod,

“What happened to not interrupting?”


“Boyfriend. Fiancé-to-be. Dated for two years or more.” It got so silent that you could hear me wheezing a little, “Don’t blame him, he had no idea.”

“We talked to him.” Sean said after I ran out of words to say, “He took it pretty well. He said that he felt bad for Pontius, so he wanted us to send him an apology. It’s none of their faults actually.”

“Natalie McFriendofPontius broke two hearts in one day.” Isom stated and sighed,

“God bless that man.” Cubbie said,

“Oh, Pontius.” Mark shook his head, “How are we going to break it to him?”

“I’ll do it.” I said reluctantly,

“If James Simmons can take it, then Pontius- Nah, he’s not going to take it well.” Sean slumped,

“If he wants to scream and shout, he could do it to me.”

“No he won’t.” Cubbie sadly smirked, “I hope.”

“He’s done this to me before.” I said, my mind setting back three months ago. That night where Pontius had his suspicions on Ryan after he bailed me at that party. I got mad at him and managed to convince him that Ryan would come back with some explanation, which really happened. He came to me crying his eyes out and told me that his sister died. That was really sad. It is basically the same thing, but the ending of Pontius’s story will be different and a lot more heartbreaking.

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