Chapter Nine || Addison

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Chapter Nine || Addison

Karrie, my co-worker, sighs as she falls onto the black desk chair. She stretches out her legs and bends down to massage her calves over the material of her baby pink scrubs. "My legs are killing me." She wines.

I chuckle and lean onto the desk, my feet outstretched before me and my ankles crossed over one the other. We've been up and about all morning, handling the overnight animals and seeing the new ones that were brought in. Johnson was running late, which meant that both Karrie and I, the only ones working the morning shift, had to take care of everything ourselves. "When did Johnson say he would be in?"

Karrie looks up, and blows strands of her curly blonde hair away from her eyes, "Noon I believe." I groan and throw my head back. Karrie continues to massage her calves, switching from one leg to the other every couple of minutes. "I'm hungry, are you hungry?" she asks.

"I could eat," I shrug.

"Where's Ly?" Kar questions as she sits up.

"She took an early lunch," I reply, digging into my scrub top pocket to grab my phone. I'm not usually one to be on my phone during work hours, however, there are no more patients to look at and all the overnight animals have either been picked up by their owner or remain in the back.

"Wanna order in for lunch?" she asks as she slowly rolls towards the office phone.


"Chinese or Indian?"

"Chinese," I reply almost instantly. "Indian food and I do not mix."

Karrie laughs and opens the drawer where we keep the menus in. She flips through them for a while before she finds the one she's looking for and begins dialing the number.

While she does that, I unlock my phone and go straight to my messages. They're all from Lyla from last night that I never got around to reading. They weren't very important anyhow. If she had something important to say she'd either yell it out or go to my room how she usually does. Clicking on her name, I wait for her messages pop-up; they're random song lyrics and a series of varies emoji's. Rolling my eyes, I exit from her messages and lock my phone once again. A part from Lyla, and once in a blue moon Connor, Karrie is the only one who usually texts me.

Most people would find it a little sad- that I only have three friends- but in all honesty, it's the way I prefer to keep it. When I first moved to LA, Lyla and Connor were my only friends, and for about six months that was how it was, and then I met Karrie. She was hired and I was appointed her trainer. We got along pretty well despite our vast differences.

Karrie looked to be your typical Los Angeles girl with her blonde hair, blue eyes, and hipster style, however there was more to her, and I guess that's what allowed me to befriend her. I wasn't close to her the way Lyla and I were, I don't think I'll ever be that close to someone other than Ly, but Karrie and I were sort of close. I vowed to leave my old life behind when I arrived in LA and that was what I was doing. Karrie knew where I was from but she didn't know much past that and I planned to keep it that way.


After a ten hour shift, I'm pretty sure I need new shoes. My feet are killing me and the once soft cushion that gave comfort to my feet when I ran in the early mornings and walked all day during work has flatted so much I'm pretty sure there's nothing there left.

Lyla's shift had ended a couple of hours ago and she texted me a list of groceries that we needed. I hated grocery shopping, especially after a long day at work. All I wanted to do was go home, eat, and take a shower, all in that order. Instead, I found myself at the grocery store at nine o'clock at night pushing a trolley down each isle with my phone in hand as I marked off each item Ly had put down.

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