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Kazutora Hanemiya x Fem reader

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Kazutora Hanemiya x Fem reader

All aged up, 18+

He wants something real ♡


Seeing the fire in the girl's eyes, Kazutora had his own feeling of giving into whatever lustful chemistry they have going on— holding her hands as she told him how sweet it would be if they could go back to her place to have an intimate time to feel closer.

[y/n] looked like an angel, but if only he knew that she's a devil in disguise with her antics and sugar coated words.

Some things are too good to be true.
What the hell am I getting myself into?
Kazutora bit his lip as his thumb trailed across the dorsal side of her hand, his heart pounding in anticipation. But he felt as if he didn't get to work for it, she was paying him way too fast.

She barely ate her dinner, complimenting the man's tattoo which only made him feel warmer— wanting her lips all over him.

"God you're so sexy, it's hard to resist..." Kazutora huffed, following suit to her apartment to fix her up since she wanted it so damn bad.

Clothes thrown on the floor, his body ached for it as the woman was half naked underneath his pale body.
[y/n] held his face in her hand, her fingers tracing his facial features and her thumb brushing over the beauty mark underneath his eye. "Such a pretty beauty mark..."
Kazutora felt this warm feeling in his heart when she said that, his gaze following her other hand that pulled the hair tie away to let his long hair down.

"So gorgeous..." He muttered underneath his breath, slanting down to pepper needy kisses on her neck before coming to a stop when he suddenly heard knocking on the back door of her apartment.

They both looked towards the direction of the bedroom door, hearing a faint, "[y/n] baby? It's me, Hanma, are you home? I called you up to see if you're up for a good time again~"

Both of them didn't say anything, Kazutora feeling his heart ache with betrayal knowing that he wasn't the only guy she was currently seeing. It made him feel used.
Is that what this was about?

"I think it's getting late..." Kazutora tried sitting up but [y/n] quickly wrapped her arms around his neck to keep him close. "We should finish what we started, he can wait..."

Not hearing a response after knocking, Hanma ended up strolling away to find another woman instead.

Kazutora squinted his eyes slightly, closing them and hugging her body, even if he wasn't the only one who got to do this.

It's not his style to be doing a thing like this. He doesn't mind hook-ups, but he wanted her to clarify that beforehand because he genuinely thought that they had something more going on than a fling.

𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now