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Rindou Haitani x Fem reader

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Rindou Haitani x Fem reader

(Bonten Rin)
All aged up, 18+

Smut ahead.

He gave in to you~


"So let me get this clear,"
The older Haitani holds a rocks glass with an ice ball clanking inside against the glass when he lets the liquor swirl with a move of his hand.

Rindou's lazy eyelids land on his brother with a non-motivated expression, his own glass filled with the strong alcoholic beverage untouched. And it wasn't like Rindou to not drink his problems away 'till dawn at the club.
But something was bothering him so much to the point he couldn't even grit his teeth together and complain.

"Boss laid down a charge and it's needed for you to get married for a whole six months, is that it?" Ran lifted a brow, an evident, mocking smirk tilting at his lips to the point he wanted to chuckle.

Rindou clicked his tongue as he knew his brother wouldn't be much of help in this situation. He should've kept his mouth shut.
Thinking about it, Rindou wasn't a womanizer. Not a manwhore although he hooks up with whichever girl looks like she could satisfy his needs— however, if he were to get married even if it's for such a short amount of time, even if it's fake and both parties know; he'll lose his mind.

It's suffocating not having his freedom.

The Haitani brother noticed the younger's sour mood and looked at him questioningly, "It's just six months Rindou, and you don't even have to pretend to love the girl or be around her. Why so upset?"

Good question.

Very good question.

Rindou paused at his brother's words before he let out an expirated sigh.
Ran is right.

The younger boy grimaced and finally curled his fingers on the glass of alcohol he was refusing to drink before, bringing it up to his lips.

It's just for six months, it has no purpose other than the fact that the boss needs the official documents from court so he'd use it against the girl's father who was indebted to Bonten.

Rindou's mood had shifted slightly and he ended up getting too boozed up to care about anything else, finding himself in a the VIP lounge with a girl on top of him trying to get herself off in every way on his body.
He wasn't even in the right mind to care, this happened way too often to the point it didn't feel like anything.
He didn't even feel tingly anymore whenever reaching on orgasm.

𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now