Chapter 28

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The two of us made our way down the stairs and into the dining room. We were the last down and the other three noticed that, bringing out a laugh since neither of us was usually late. "I made us some chicken curry" Virginia said and placed a big bowl of rice down on the table. Her faced showed just how proud of the food she was. "It smells delicious" Alexia said as she sat down. "Thank you, Ale," Virginia said and brought out the chicken curry from the kitchen.

Everyone grabbed big portions of dinner and along with it we all had some white wine. The conversation was flowing, just as the jokes did.

After dinner Alexia and I cleaned up everything. I liked doing the dishes. As always, I washed them, and Alexia dried them. I hated the way other people washed the dishes, they never did it the correct way. "It is kind of cute that you always have to wash the dishes Isa" Alexia said. "You think so?" I asked. "Yes, but you should maybe work on allowing other people to help you. It will make life easier" Alexia answered. "What do you think I am doing in therapy?" I asked her jokingly. This cause Alexia to let out a slight chuckle and continued drying the plates.

It took us some time before we could join the others out on the terrace. They were sitting there just waiting for the two of us. "Let's play cards, yeah?" Mapí said with a laugh. We all had our wine glasses and several bottles of win there, along with some olives. It was going to be a fun night. "The loser of each round is going to have to answer one question from the others, so make sure not to lose if you have secrets" Patri added. They had surely been going over what to say before we arrived. Both Alexia and I laughed at that, and we all joined in on the first round of cards.

The first loser was Virginia, and she was forced to answer some serious questions. Mapí wanted to know her favourite sex-position and Jenni wanted to know all her past hook-ups. It was funny to be part of a group outside of football. I had gotten to know two new people and they were already meaning a lot to me.

The second loser was Mapí. By now we had all gotten more to drink and the questions were more private than before. We found out how much money it would take for Mapí to sleep with Jorge. And then we found out how much money it would take for her to sleep with Lluís. It would take her a lot of money to sleep with Lluís, but she would never sleep with Jorge. It all turned into a long story about what Jorge had been doing to me and why he was a bad person.

After that I lost the game. "The question I have been wanting an answer on for the longest of times is what your sexuality is" Mapí said. "You could have asked me that a long time ago. But I find labels quite restrictive and just say that I love who I love" I answered. This caused Mapí to complain loudly that her question had been wasted. "How did you come out to your family?" Patri asked. "I came out to my dad in an argument, and I came out to my sister when she tried to give me the talk about protection and safe sex. And to my mom and my brother when I introduced them to one of my exes" I answered with a laugh. The rest of my questions were pretty tame, and I answered them without any problems.

We continued playing for the rest of the night. The questions got strange as time passed. We were all tired and very drunk. It was fun to spend time with them.

When it turned three, we were all too tired to continue playing. We made our way upstairs and separated into our respective rooms. I changed into a big t-shirt and washed my face. After that I did some skincare with Alexia watching from the edge of the bathtub. "It is amazing how good you look without makeup" she said with a big smile. "Not as good as you look Ale" I answered and continued with my skincare. "I think you look better Isa" Alexia replied.

She made her way up from the bathtub and hugged me from behind. I turned around in her embrace and once again looked up at her. "I could kiss you Isa" Alexia said while looking deep into my eyes. "Then do it" I responded, egging her on. She did just that. Slowly she moved towards me, and a second later her lips were on mine. I didn't think she would do that. I was shocked for the first few seconds, then it kicked in that she had kissed me. That she was still kissing me. I kissed her back, frantically trying to feel what I had been wanting for half a year. 

She pulled me even closer than before. Her lips were still on mine and I deepened the kiss. There was no distance between us, I could feel every single part of her body and I loved it. I loved being close to her.

We moved apart and I was still in her loving embrace. "You look even better this close" Alexia said. This caused me to let out a slight laugh.

Together we got down into bed. Alexia held me close the entire night. Every time I woke up, I felt her breathing in my neck. It sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't believe that I she had kissed me yesterday. I still had no idea if she wanted to be with me, but I was pretty sure that she liked me a little bit at least. "Go back to sleep Isa" Alexia mumbled. "How did you know I was awake?" I asked her. My tone was nothing louder than a whisper. "Your breathing got irregular" Alexia answered and pulled me closer again. "Now go back to sleep cariño" she continued.

I fell asleep quickly when I was with her, and this time was no different. "Wake up cariño" Alexia said while shaking me awake carefully. "We need to go down to eat brunch" she continued. Her voice was sweet, and I wanted nothing else than to listen to her more. She kissed my next softly and I couldn't help but to release a soft moan. At this Alexia laughed and just continued. "Don't leave a mark" I whispered to her. Her laugh vibrated against my neck, and it caused me to laugh again. Her laugh was contagious. 

Unfortunately, we had to get up and go downstairs. We did this in our pyjamas and was met with a lovely sight. Everyone looked totally dead from the night before and they barely acknowledged that we had come down for breakfast. The only person I did not see downstairs was Mapí, she was probably still asleep upstairs. She had to come down quickly if we would have time to make our plans for the day. Alexia went up and got her. Five minutes later they both came down. Mapí was covered with water and looked like a wet cat.

"What did you do Ale?" Patri asked as soon as they came down the stairs. "She poured water all over me" Mapí complained. This caused the rest of us to burst into laughter, and Mapí looked slightly embarrassed that we found her suffering funny.

Brunch was not the best. It consisted of cereal, milk, and oatmeal along with some tea and coffee. We might have been bad at planning for anything else than dinner and drinking. However, we did not let that affect us and soon enough everyone was fed. We changed into our bikinis and put on coverups before we made our way out the door and to the cars. Today was going to be interesting, and I was here for it. 

Today the car arrangements were the same as on the way home from the beach. Me and Alexia were alone in one of the cars, while the other four had piled up in the other one. I didn't complain about that. I liked being alone with Alexia. With the help from Alexia, I managed to connect my phone to the car and started playing some music. It was just some summer classics. Songs we both knew and could sing along with. 

During the entire journey Alexia rested her hand on my upper thigh. It was not unusual that her hand was on my leg, but it was the first time it had ever been this high up. Maybe it was a way for her to show affection, or maybe she enjoyed the contact just as much as I did.


28 chapters and over 42000 words written and they finally have their first kiss. I can't believe I wrote this on Christmas day. Here in Sweden we celebrate on Christmas eve, so I was totally free on Christmas day.

Anyway, what do we think? Is the story interesting enough? And do we like the pairing?


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