Chapter 27

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I soon fell asleep again. Her presence was as calming as it always was, and it she was the perfect cuddle buddy.

The sound of our loud friends woke me up again, and this time it also woke Alexia up. That was a less good start to the day, and all I wanted to do was keep sleeping.

We were forced out of bed, and down to the kitchen where food was laid out on the table. Breakfast was eaten quicky and after that we all went upstairs again. On the agenda today we had a visit to the beach, and everyone knows that the beach is way better than the pool. Everyone changed into their bikinis, and I wore a basic black one. Over that I had a pair of blue jean shorts and a light green crop top. My hair was braided and the makeup I usually wore was skipped today. On top of my head, I had a dark blue hat, to protect my scalp from the sun. It was probably not necessary, my Spanish pigment made it hard for me to get a sunburn, but I wore it anyways.

"Ale, I think I forgot to pack my sunglasses" I said after searching through my bag for a third time. They were not in the bathroom and not on the side table, I must have forgotten them. "You are lucky I brought more than one pair with me" Alexia answered. She held several pairs of sunglasses and I got to choose which one I wanted to wear. I packed a bag with a change of clothes, a few books and a towel. That was all I needed.

Soon enough we were on our way. I was unlucky and ended up in a car with just Mapí and Alexia. "It is so unfair that you always get to sit in the front seat" Mapí complained after five minutes of the drive. "I don't think you want me to sit behind you" I answered. All my focus was on the twisting and turning road in front of us. The nausea was hitting me, and if I would look away for a second it would not be good. "Let her sit in the front Mapí. You know what happened when we sat backwards on the bus" Alexia continued. All her focus was on the road in front of us as well. We were probably not the funniest people to be in the car with, and Mapí was always interested in fun. When we would drive back to the house, I was sure that it would just be me and Alexia. I didn't complain about that.

We got to a somewhat secluded beach. There were almost no other people there and we could all take up as much space as we wanted. While me, Alexia and Jenni were slowly getting undressed and settling down on our towels, the other three threw their clothes off and made a run for the water. We laughed at their childishness and started tanning. Of course, we kept an eye at them, making sure that no one drowned or hurt anyone else. Sometimes it felt like I was the oldest one there, and not the youngest.

Soon enough Mapí got back, and she forced me out into the ocean with her. "She is kidnapping me, please help" I yelled loudly. The other people at the beach looked at us with judgement in their eyes while Alexia and Jenni just laughed at the scene unfolding in front of them. The two of them were tanning, and as always neither of them was wearing their tops. I was a bit jealous. Even though I had started liking my body more, I was still a bit insecure about things and their confidence was something I admired.

Mapí and I played mermaids in the shallow part of the ocean. The part where the waves met the sand. The part where the waves looked the biggest. We managed to convince the other two in the ocean to join us and we played there for hours.

"Hello there" someone said while lifting me up and throwing me in the ocean again. I had no time to react and when I resurfaced, I saw who it was. "Alexia Putellas Segura" I said loudly. "That was unnecessary" I continued, making everyone laugh at me. That was however not enough for me, and I pulled Alexia down in the water with me. Her hair, that had been dry up until now, was soaking wet and full of sand. "Elisa García, what have you done" she yelled. Now it was my turn to laugh. It all turned into a battle of who was the strongest, and it obviously was Alexia. I just clung to her body, making sure that I joined her wherever she went. It was great when she pushed me under the water and was forced down herself. 

After spending hours in the water, I was freezing. Virginia and Mapí had taken one of the cars to get us some lunch while the rest of us got to stay. I was laying on my towel in the shining sun. My body had dried, and Alexia had convinced me that I would get dry quicker if I removed my bikini top. I didn't do that. I was still not comfortable showing those parts of myself, even if the rest of the girls did that. Some may call me a prude, but it was insecurity.

I fell asleep, with my hat covering my eyes and books on my chest. The girls took loads of pictures and sent them in the group chat we had for the trip. I saw them when I woke up from my short sleep. Mapí and Virginia returned with food for us all. We ate together and jokes and laughter filled the beach. It was a great group I had managed to join, and they all made me so very happy.

We continued spending time at the beach. I managed to see several sea animals while taking a walk with Alexia and spent twenty minutes excitedly telling the rest of them about said animals. After that we all went and got ice cream. It was a short drive to another beach, so we packed up our stuff to head there. Everyone wanted their ice cream, and exploring the island was not a bad idea.

I got some chocolate ice cream, Alexia got the same. Mapí however was the only one who did not get a normal flavour. She got cotton candy and bubble gum. It showed the maturity she held, and she was immensely teased about that. At this beach people recognized us and some of them even got close enough to ask for a picture. We obliged and didn't stay long here. We wanted privacy and peace. It was clear that we wouldn't get any of it here. 

On the drive home it was just me and Alexia. The other four had piled up in the other car after Mapí complained about how boring it was in our car. I liked being alone with Alexia, and my feelings for her had only grown. She was always so considerate and cared about me in a way that not many people did.

The house was still there when we returned. And this time Virginia was the one who would cook for us. The rest of us showered and got ready for a night in. Even though we all would probably drink a lot of alcohol it was still a night in. 

"Can you help me with the buttons in the back?" Alexia asked from the bathroom. After yelling back my answer I helped her. Her soft hair was covering it, so I brought it out of the way and was left with her bare back in front of me. Shivers made their way down her spine when my cold hands touched her. I saw the hair in her neck stand up and I knew I had an effect on her. That was an interesting revelation. 

She turned around and I saw her once again. "You look good Alexia" I said with a smile. "So do you Isa" she said. This time she was also smiling. Her eyes met mine and they were as beautiful as they always were. I loved those eyes and I constantly found myself looking for them. In every room I looked for her, at every function she was the person I searched for. 

"Come here Isa" she said and opened her arms. I obliged and soon found myself in her loving embrace. Her perfume made it's way into my nose, and familiarity filled my body. I belonged with her. I felt her lips against my forehead, and I turned my head up to look at her. 

We were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Dinner is ready" Jenni called out. This caused us to separate and pull away from each other. "We better head down then" Alexia said and scratched her neck. "We better" I answered with a smile. 


I can't spoil you with happiness yet can I?

It is coming soon though I can promise you that.


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