Chapter 68

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Our routine continued in the following months. We were still learning the ropes as parents, but that didn't mean weren't doing our best. Alexia was up most nights with Martina, feeding her and changing her. I could sleep during the night, and that was great, especially since I was with Martina all day.

Of course, I was up with Martina too, but Alexia was the one who did it the most. I don't know how I would do life without her, especially with Martina.

The most difficult part was when Alexia had away games. I had still not mustered up the courage to come with. In Barcelona I had a support system, with Eli, Alba, and my siblings. Whenever I needed help, I could call one of them. If I travelled to Bilbao with the team, or any other Spanish city for that matter, it would be heaps more difficult. I would have to take care of Martina alone. I mean, Alexia would do her best to help, but she needed to focus on the football. That was her job and was incredibly important for her.

I knew that Alexia knew that. Everyone knew that. The game was important, and her sleeping badly because of Martina was not allowed, at least not from me. I wanted her with me, but we both knew that her work was just as important. I could take care of myself and Martina for two days. And then Alexia could be away at a game. A win-win situation, but in the end, I was the only one who lost on it.

Another thing I hated was that I couldn't join Alexia at the Ballon D'or awards, especially as she won it. My fiancé was a Ballon D'or winner, and I hadn't been able to watch her win that prestigious award. It hurt, more than I would like to admit.

Eli was there with her, and so was Alba. I was sitting in our apartment, with Mapí on the couch with me. Martina was with us, drifting in and out of sleep during the entire show. I just wanted to be there for Alexia as this was a grand moment for her. I wanted to board a flight and travel to Paris with Martina. But all I could do was to sit in the living room.

Quiero agradecer a muchas personas. Mis compañeros jugaron un papel muy importante en todo esto. Siempre apoyándome. Quiero agradecer a mi madre y a mi hermana que siempre estar aquí para mí y conmigo.

Quiero dedicar... Intentaré no ponerme demasiado emocional. En este momento, a alguien que es, y será siempre, muy importante para mí. Hago todo gracias a ti. Espero que estés orgulloso de tu hija, esto es para ti, papá.

también quiero agradecer a mi prometido. Sin ti no estaría aquí. Así que gracias por todo. Por apoyarme siempre y por darme una nueva perspectiva en la vida. La perspectiva de una madre. ¡Gracias a todos!" Alexia spoke from the TV, making tears well up in my eyes.

("There are so many people I want to thank. My teammates played such a big role in all of this. Always supporting me in my every move. I want to thank my mother and sister for always being here for me, and with me.

I want to dedicate... I'll try not to get too emotional. At this time, to someone who is, and will always be, very important for me. I do everything because of you. I hope you're proud of your daughter, wherever you are, this is for you, dad.

I also want to thank my fiancée. Without you I wouldn't be here. So, thank you, for everything. For always supporting me and for giving me a new perspective in life. The perspective of a mother. Thank you all!")

Her speech made me miss her even more. I wanted to be there with her. Dancing in a crowded room, celebrating her victory, but I couldn't. Instead, I was sitting in our living room, crying my eyes out because of her speech.

Martina was awake on my lap. Watching as her mother won the award. She had been asleep for most of the night, but wanted to be fed as the winner was announced. It was amazing that she could watch it with me, and I knew Alexia would love it. Not that Martina would remember it, but her mothers would for sure.

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