Chapter 45

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I opened the door to our apartment and was met with the loving smile of my girlfriend. She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me in for a hug. It wasn't even for long, but I had missed her terribly. Staying apart for long was awful, when she had been at camp this fall, I missed her terribly. It happened once this fall-season and I hated every single minute of it. "I missed you" I whispered into her shoulder. I felt tears falling down my face. All the emotions I had bottled up during the holiday made their way out of my body. "I missed you too" Alexia whispered back.

"Hey, what is wrong?" she continued with concern in her voice. "It has just been too much, Christmas is always awful when you have lost someone" I answered truthfully. I missed being able to celebrate with my mom, she was a key part of my life. "I hate having to celebrate Christmas without my dad, it has been several years since he passed away, but we all miss him especially around the holidays. It is to celebrate without him because a part of my family is missing" she explained. I saw tears falling down her face, and now I was the one who wanted to sooth her. "It is awful, I just miss what we used to do together and now I can't do that anymore. I spent hours next to her grave today because I miss her. I miss what we used to do. I miss having someone to call. I miss my mom" I sobbed into her shoulder.

Nala snuck up on us, desperately trying to get my attention. She had spent Christmas with Alexia and it was the longest time Nala and I had never been apart this long since Alexia and I got her, almost half a year ago. I let go of Alexia, picking up my favourite little ball of fluff. "Who has missed her mother?" I asked the dog. She didn't answer. Instead, her small pink tongue made its way all over my face. It was now covered in dog-saliva and Alexia was laughing at me. "That is disgusting" she said with a smile. "Her tongue is cleaner than yours and I have had that in worse places" I answered calmly. Her face turned red, and I knew I had won. "My tongue is cleaned than a dogs, she still smells poop when we walk her" Alexia answered, clearly bothered by what I had just said. I kissed her instead of answering. It showed the same thing as any answer would have done.

"How about we take this somewhere else? Somewhere without our dog?" she asked. I knew what she wanted to do, and I was not complaining. We took our time to tell the other person how much we had missed the other one.

"I missed you cariño" she said while holding me in our bed. "And I missed you, next year we have to spend the holidays together" I answered and grabbed her hand. "At least we can spend New Years eve and your birthday together. And you get to meet my family for the first time" Alexia said and kissed me. "Don't remind me, I am nervous that they are going to hate me" I complained.

I had a bit of anxiety about meeting her family. It was my first time meeting a girlfriend's parents, or parent in this case. I would also see her sister, at least I would see her at New Years eve. Alexia had agreed to be a buffer, and I could have a few drinks for confidence. "They are going to love you as much as I do. I promise you that" Alexia answered and kissed me once again. "You think so?" I asked. My voice was very small, and it was probably obvious how nervous I was. "I know that" she said and kissed me once more.

We got ready for the New Years eve party together in front of our mirror. "I can't believe we get to celebrate together" Alexia said with a smile. She was standing behind me, fixing my hair with her new Dyson. "I think you look very pretty" she said and continued with my hair. I was still doing my makeup. Alexia was done, as always. I thought she looked amazing she always did. "Have you seen yourself?" I answered with a smile. It was a question that required no response.

Alexia ordered us a cab there and we were one of the last people to arrive. "Alba is going to be here in a few minutes. Would you mind going in without me so I can wait for her?" she asked with a smile. "Claro que sí" I answered with a smile.

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