Chapter 48

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Alexia and I cooked dinner together. I chopped the vegetables while Alexia started with the rest of the meal. Everything that could be prepared beforehand was being prepared now. We wanted time to get ready before everyone arrived. I still had no idea who would be coming here for dinner. My guess was that Alexia had invited most of the team, like Mapí, Aitana, and Ottilia at least. Probably a few more. Then her sister would be here as well as her mother.

I was nervous. It would be my first time meeting her mother. Something one might call a big deal; I certainly did think it was big. I wanted to make a good impression while still being myself. But what if her mother hated me when I was myself? Wouldn't it be better then if I was a totally different person. Calm down Isa. Worrying will only make everything worse. Keep breathing and focus on what you can change. Focus on cutting the vegetables Isa. When things are out of your control you shouldn't focus on them. A lesson that was easy to understand, but hard to learn.

"Are you excited for dinner Isa? I can't wait to celebrate with you" she said with a smile. It felt strange that she was excited, and I was just nervous. Birthdays were not my favourites, a day where all the focus was on you was a nightmare for me. I have no idea why I decided to be a professional athlete, the focus was almost always on me. It was strange how the world worked. "A bit nervous to meet your mom for the first time" I confessed.

"She will love you. I have told you so many times that she will. You should not worry about her not liking you, everyone likes you. It is impossible to hate you and my mom would never hate someone I love so much" she said, calming my nerves slightly. "You love me, huh?" I answered her jokingly. I knew she loved me, and I loved her way more than I had ever loved someone before. It scared me a lot. "You already know that" she said from the other side of the kitchen.

We both continued working on our respective tasks. It took some time, but after around fifteen minutes I headed towards the bathroom to shower. Alexia said she would continue with the food before washing up, giving me a lot of time in the shower. "You can join me whenever you are done" I called out on my way. "If you managed to finish here before I am done" I continued and closed the door behind me.

It took me a long time to finish the shower. I needed to shampoo, wash that out, and then repeat. The conditioner had to be in my hair for several minutes before I could wash it out. I shaved my legs, and every other part of my body. An everything shower.

When I was done in the shower, Alexia walked into the bathroom. She complained that she had to shower alone, and I offered to stay while she did that. I took my time to do my entire skin-care routine, which I had forgotten to do in the morning. I moisturized my legs and my arms, making sure that everything felt soft and clean.

Standing in my underwear I started to dry my hair. Alexia joined me after a few minutes, she did her own thing. You know, getting herself ready. I was done with my hair before she was, so I left to go to our bedroom. It was in there that I finished getting myself ready. I spent way too much time on my makeup, I wanted everything to look perfect. It ended up looking just like I wanted it to do, a nice eyeshadow, with eyeliner, and my usual base.

I wore a small black dress, probably a bit too revealing for my taste. Alexia said she loved it; I was a bit worried about her mother seeing me like this. She was done before I was, something that surprised me. She was very slow whenever she got ready, and her being done before me was something that rarely happened, especially if she started after me. I was not complaining.

She started to set the table and finished decorating while I just took it easy and slow. A perfect way to get ready for the night ahead of us.

Alexia was in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. I think she was making different kind of appetizers; I had not been allowed to choose the menu for today and had no idea what she was cooking. It was not a big deal. Alexia knew what I liked, and she would probably make something like that. For me it was nice to have a little surprise.

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