Chapter 35

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The next week was quite rough. I took a two-day vacation with my nieces. They stayed in Barcelona with me, and we visited the aquarium and the beach. It was a few good days and they loved spending time with me. I was their fun aunt and we had breakfast in bed, ice-cream before dinner, stayed up late, and stuff like that. When my brother picked them up, they were insanely sad that they would be going home. I promised them that they could come and watch one of my games this fall, and they were both very excited.

I went out with Alexia for dinner. She was insanely nervous, and it was quite cute. "Calmaste" I said while grabbing her hand. "Is it that noticeable that I'm nervous?" she asked while letting out a small laugh. "It is, but you should relax and have fun instead of worrying. It will feel a lot better" I told her with a big smile. "Gracias" she said with a smile and squeezed my hand.

"Mesa para dos, en el nombre Putellas" Alexia said to the waitress in front of us. The waitress led us to a small table in the back of the restaurant. "This looks amazing" I said to her. The table in front of us was decorated beautifully, with burning candles, flowers, and a white tablecloth. Everything was colour-coordinated, and I thought it looked quite romantic. "I hope it is good enough for you" Alexia said shyly. "You could take me to a McDonalds, and it would be good enough for me" I responded truthfully. "Soppy" Alexia said with a cocky smile. "What happened to shy Alexia?" I asked jokingly. "She barely makes an appearance" Alexia joked back.

The same waitress from earlier arrived with menus. Before I could look through the menu Alexia took it. "I get to choose for you" Alexia said with that usual smug smile. "But" I started before she interrupted me. "I know you are allergic to shellfish, so I will order something without that. We walked here so are you okay with us both drinking?" Alexia asked with a smile. "That would be great" I said with a smile. "Great" Alexia said and softly grabbed my hand. I flashed her a smile and her entire face lit up.

A minute later the waitress was there again. Alexia had instructed me to go to the bathroom once she ordered, saying that it would be a surprise. I obliged and waited in the bathroom for about five minutes. I went to the toilet, reapplied my lip-gloss, and sent a text to Ona about how I was on a date with her.

When I got back to the table Alexia had a big smile on her face. "You look gorgeous cariño" she said, and I knew why she had been smiling so foolishly. "Don't be naughty" I whispered when I sat down. "It is hard when you look that good" she whispered back. I knew I looked good. I was wearing things I knew she would like. A shorter black dress along with thigh-high boots and a black blazer. I flashed her another smile and sat down. Soon enough her hand found my knee and she left it there. The contact was just enough to send shivers down my spine. And for desire to fill my body.

I knew what I wanted, and it was not the appetiser that the waitress placed in front of me. It was however delicious. Broccolini with parmesan cheese and a sauce made from chives. Alexia knew what I wanted, and she was great at showing it.

"Does it taste good?" she asked with a smile. "It tastes amazing, you want a taste?" I asked her. She gladly agreed and took a bite. After that she attempted to feed me some of hers. I was not going to be fed by someone else, so I took the fork and had a bite myself. It was tasty. Burrata with tomatoes and honey. But I have to admit that mine was tastier.

In front of me I had a glass of white wine. I preferred that over red wine, and I actually had no idea how Alexia knew that. Our conversation was flowing. We talked about how it was when my nieces stayed over. She talked about camp with the national team and our upcoming games. In a month we had a game against Finland and a game against Serbia. It was the last qualification games for the world cup. Since I had been away to compete, I missed the gruesome preseason, or at least most of it. In two days, I needed to be at training, and I was not looking forward to the intense running and heavy lifting.

After we sat there for half an hour our main course got placed down in front of us. For me Alexia had ordered some vegetarian risotto and she had gotten herself a pizza. My risotto was tasty. I think it had mango, lime, and some kind of mushroom in it. Alexia's pizza was covered with jamón serrano, arugula, and parmesan. We both shared our main dishes. I don't even know which one of them I preferred, they were both incredibly delicious. My glass had once again been filled with wine, the same kind as before.

"What do you think, is this date good enough for you?" Alexia asked with a smirk on her face. She already knew my answer and she knew that I was enjoying this date a lot. "I think you already know the answer" I said in the same cocky tone that she had used. "It is not over yet" she said. She had planned something, and I didn't know what.

When dessert arrived, it was just as tasty as the other courses. She had ordered us a brownie with ice-cream to share. It was more than enough for me, and Alexia ate most of the cake. However, it took us a long time to finish it. We mostly talked instead of eating.

"Should we head back to my place?" Alexia asked with a smile. "And do what?" I responded. I liked teasing her, and with the alcohol giving me extra confidence I did it more than usual. "To do whatever you want" she answered and put her hand on my waist. I leaned into her, and we started walking home. Her hand never left my waist, and my head never left her shoulder.

Walking back took us some time. Somehow, we ended up in a park. Alexia pulled me in for a hug, but that was not the way I wanted things to go. I grabbed the side of her face carefully and kissed her. She deepened the kiss, and I felt her wandering hands all over my body. "Shouldn't we save this until we are back at your place?" I asked innocently. "Probably" Alexia responded before kissing me again.

We stopped kissing and continued our walk back to Alexia's place. Her hand was still placed on my waist, and she was leading the way. This gave me flashbacks to the day when she invited me on vacation. Her hand never left my waist that night either. I remember that night clearly. I knew how much I liked her at that point.

As soon as we got into Alexia's apartment I was pushed up against the wall. She kissed me desperately, and I kissed her back with the same desperation. Her hands were roaming over my body, while my hands were tightly wrapped around her body.

I felt her lips leaving mine and soon enough they were sucking on one particular spot on my neck. I released a small moan, not on purpose. But that caused Alexia to let out a small laugh. I felt it vibrating against my neck, and I knew she was enjoying this just as much as I did. Soon enough my dress was on the floor, and I was standing here only wearing underwear.

Alexia continued working down her way, leaving marks all over my body. She must enjoy leaving marks, showing people that I was hers. "Are you sure about this?" she asked while lifting me up. I nodded at her, showing that I wanted to continue. "I need you to use words" Alexia continued. "I want this" I said with a smile. Alexia placed another kiss on my lips and carried me to her bedroom.

She continued her work there, and it was the best I had felt in a while. I fell asleep naked in her arms. No item of clothing was between us, and I think we were both satisfied with yesterday, even though we went to sleep quite late.

At around twelve I woke up from my sleep. Alexia was somehow under me, and I was all over her. Her chest was covered in hickeys, and I admired my work proudly. I probably looked worse than she did. "Watching me, are you?" Alexia asked in that same dry tone that I had gotten to know yesterday. "Just admiring my work" I replied with a smirk. "Are you now?" she said and pulled me down for a kiss.

"I think it looks good" I said with a smile. "You look better, but you better cover everything when you go out" Alexia said calmly. "Are you ashamed?" I asked, suddenly feeling worried. "I just want to keep you to myself for some time" she said and pulled me down for another kiss. "Then you better do the same" I responded before kissing her again.


Thought I could write smut, but it just felt wrong. Sorry babes. 

Chapters will be fewer in the next few weeks, I am back at school and barely have any free-time. This is my second year and I am working my ass off to pass physics. 


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