5 years ago

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5 years ago (Tim's POV)

I was in my rookie year, when patrolling the streets with my T.O. As they drove down the street, my T.O stops to get himself some coffee. I was all alone in the shop when l looked over my shoulder see a small figure. I gets out of the shop, making sure I've locked it before walking over to the figure as I approached my heart dropped. It was a young girl curled up trying to keep warm and she appeared to be terrified.

I gently say "hey, hi. Are you okay?" The girl didn't respond as I continued "it's okay you can talk to me, I'm a police officer with the LAPD." She lifts her head to see I was kneeling in-front of her.

The girl: "Hi. I'm okay."

I look around and notices that the girl has a bag of belongings she needs to live. I say "are you living on the streets?" The girl just nods her head and the girl starts crying. I puts his hand upon her shoulder to comfort her and she flinches at the movement. I say "hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you, but I was wondering if you could tell me what's going on and why you are on the street. But , first could you introduce yourself."

The girl: "Hi, my name is Sophie but everyone that is close to me calls me Soph. I'm 10 years old. I was at home one night when my parents started fighting. Then my mum got really sick that she ended up passing away. My dad wasn't able to keep up with working and taking care of me. He dedicated more time to work and started forgetting about me, I felt like I was a burden so I ran away. He has never notices, but his grief was too much for him to handle that he drowned himself into his work to keep busy."

Tim: "It's nice to meet you and I apologise for what you are going through, but you can't stay here. You need to go into a shelter and they will find you a good home."

Sophie: "No thank you. I don't want another family. I'm happy staying where I am, plus I only need myself."

Tim: "I know you're scared but you're too young to be on the street. I'll help you find a safe place and I will help you find somewhere safe." Sophie just nods her head to agree.

Tim's T.O: "Congratulations boot, you have found yourself a puppy."

Tim as he helped Lucy into the shop: "What?"

Tim's T.O: "You have a puppy, it is someone that a rookie finds and tries to help them out. Anyway we will take her to the children shelter down the street from the station."

They arriver at the shelter, I walk with Sophie up to the front desk. We go in and get everything organise.

Tim: "Okay, you're all ready. I hope you enjoy your time with your foster family. Goodbye."

Sophie: "Thanks for the help. Goodbye."

I leave and go back to the shop. My T.O and I talk about the whole 'puppy' thing and then continue to work.

A few weeks later (still Tim's POV)

I received a call from the shelter.

Shelter: "Good Afternoon, are you Officer Bradford?"

Tim: "Yes, I am. What's going on?"

Shelter: "You know that girl Sophie you brought in. Well was went to her foster family and I received a call that she ran away from the house. Could you please keep an eye out for her."

Tim: "Yes I can. Keep updated if she returns. Bye."

Just as I got off the call, there was an announcement over the PA for me to go to the front desk. When I get to the front desk, the officer turned to me and said "there's a young girl looking for you." When I approached the young girl and said hi, she turned her head to look at me and I was in shock.

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