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Sophie: "I was scared that I was going to lose you. You're my mum and have helped me so much."

Lucy: "Oh sweetie, I'm okay. It was just a check up." Sophie felt the bump on Lucy's stomach and looked at Lucy confused.

Sophie: "Mum ... umm what's going on with your..." she points to Lucy's stomach.

Lucy: "So, I have something to tell you two. I hope you two are ready to be big sisters."

Tamara & Sophie: "What! You're pregnant!" Lucy nods and they both hug her. They pull back and Lucy grabs Sophie's hands.

Lucy: "Now Soph, I'm so sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to bring back any bad memories, I'm never gonna leave you. You're stuck with me."

Sophie: "I'm glad you're safe and you are okay." She places a kiss on Lucy's stomach.

Lucy: "Now we just need to tell your father."

Sophie: "I got this, pretend like you not well at all with Angela and Nyla helping you or at least trying." Sophie and Tamara head straight to Tim's office, ready to start to panic when they walk in. They enter..

Tamara: "Dad, we need you now."

Tim: "Is everything okay?"

Sophie: "No, it's mum. Something's wrong!" Tim gestured to the door as he follows the girls. They get to the interrogation room where Lucy is and they bust in.

Tim: "Luce, baby. Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Lucy: "Ouch, my stomach hurts babe." Tim immediately runs a hand on her stomach feeling her stomach, then he lifts her shirt.

Lucy: "Babe, I hope you want another child."

Tim: "No way! You're pregnant."

Lucy: "Yeah, 3 and a half months." Tim is shocked but grabs Lucy stomach and brings his head to it and kisses it." They all hug.

Sophie: "Can we tell Grandpa Grey?" Lucy nods. The go to Grey's office while Angela and Nyla stand guard outside.

Grey: "Hey Guys, is there something wrong?"

Tim: "No sir. Just wanted to ask how you feel about being a Grandfather again." Grey looks at Lucy and she nods back.

Grey: "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you guys." He hugs Lucy and the girls and shakes Tim's hand. They finish the rest of the their shift and then celebrates that night.

Lucy pulls Tim away from the girls.

Lucy: "First off, we need to move to your house for this growing family and secondly are you okay if I sleep with Sophie. It was just that, they called when I was at the hospital and she panicked that I was not okay."

Tim: "Yeah, of course. Anything that needs to be done. I'll stay with Tamara tonight." They go back and all take turns to shower and are ready for bed,

Lucy: "Hey, Soph. You'll be sleeping with me tonight and Tim will be with Tamara." Tim and Tamara go to bed hugging and fall straight to sleep.

With Lucy and Sophie

They lay in bed hugging each other and fall asleep. At about 11pm, Sophie has a dream that something bad happens to Lucy. She yells out "Mum!" This makes Lucy wake up immediately, her here breaks seeing her daughter like this. Sophie is violently moving, Lucy gently shakes here.

Lucy: "Soph, sweetie. I need you to wake up. Please wake up." She jolts up awake crying, she sees Lucy and snuggles tightly into her chest. In all the chaos, Tim and Tamara wake up and head to the room. They stand there watching what is going on, they were both worried about Sophie but didn't want to step in.

Lucy (she had an idea of what is wrong): "Sweetie, you're okay. I'm okay and I'm safe. We have Tim to protect here, he'll make sure nothing hurts us."

Sophie: "I-I thought you died, I thought I had lost you."

Lucy: "I'm here, feel my chest." Sophie puts her head on Lucy's chest and starts calming down.

Sophie: "Thanks mum. You're amazing and I'm excited to see the new baby. There's something I want to ask you." Lucy nods to say go ahead.

Sophie: "Why have we not met your parents? I'm sorry if I overstep." Lucy sits up in the bed with Sophie clingy to her side.

Lucy: "So, my parents and I don't have a great relationship. They don't like what I do with my career and kept telling me to change jobs. I never introduced Tim to them because they haven't approved of my boyfriend's in the past and I couldn't bring myself to do that. They are not nice to me at all and have disowned me, so I'm not their daughter anymore. I am just worried about being a terrible mum to this baby."

Sophie: "I'm sorry that happened to you. Please don't think like that, you're an amazing mum to Tam and I. You'll be amazing, I know you will." 

Lucy: "Thanks darling. Let's go back to sleep." They hug again and fall asleep.

The next day, they arrive at the station.

Tamara: "Dad, it is okay if I shadow you today and help you out." Tim nods and they leave.

Sophie: "Mum, can I follow you to help. I also was thinking about being a detective."

Lucy: "Yeah of course. We'll be with Nyla and Angela today." They meet up with the others.

Nyla: "Hey you two. Lucy you ready?"

Lucy: "Yeah, by the way we have a shadow today."

Angela: "Okay who?" Sophie steps out from behind Lucy.

Angela: "Yay, this is going to be fun. Why is that?"

Lucy: "One after what happened yesterday and also she was thinking about being a detective."

The day was long. Tim and Tamara were out on patrol all day. Lucy and the others were working on cases. Sophie was speaking up and suggesting ideas, these ideas helped solve a few cases. Angela and Nyla talked to Grey about how amazing Sophie is. He was working on a way to get Sophie into the detectives department.

Everyone heads home; Tamara and Sophie exchange how their days were with their parents and everyone went to sleep.

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