Tam & Soph

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A few weeks later

Tamara and Sophie have both settle down with their 'parents'. Tim has enjoyed the company of Sophie, he wishes that there was a mother figure for her as she has been struggling. Tim has noticed that something is going on with Sophie and asks her.

Tim: "Soph, is everything okay?"

Sophie: "I'm fine." She is in a bit of pain and was too scared to tell Tim. Tim could tell she wasn't fine and decided...

Tim: "Okay ... I'm going to take you to the station today with me." She nods knowing that there is no way out of her father's decision.

Tamara has been super clingy to Lucy still. Worried that something is going to happen. Lucy knows that Tamara need to be at school but she also knows that Tamara will have a panic attack without Lucy there. Lucy has contacted the school briefly explaining the situation and has asked for work so Tamara could do homeschooling for a bit.

Lucy: "Tamara you know you have to go to school, I'll be fine."

Tamara: "I know ... but mum I just got you and I can't lose you, your the best thing to happen to me and your the first person that actually wants me in your life."

Lucy: "Fine, you can come. Make sure you do the school work." Tamara nods towards Lucy.

As usual, Tamara and Lucy go to the station together and get ready for the day. Before Tim and Sophie walk in, Tim texts Grey.

Tim: 'Hey Grey, I'm in the car parking at the moment. I have Sophie with me as she is not feeling 100%. Is it okay that she stays at the station today?'

Grey: 'Hey Tim, that's completely fine and I can't wait to she her again. She can hang out with Tamara today and they can keep each other company.'

Tim: 'Ok!'

Tim gets out of his truck and then opens the passenger door for Sophie indicating that she is able to come to work with him today. Tim walks her to Grey's office.

Grey: "Good morning Tim and Good morning Soph."

Sophie: "Morning sir." Grey opens his arms as he takes her in for a hug.

Grey: "So you're spending the day at the station today. To keep you company there is another girl here today. I'll introduce you two before roll call and you guys are to stay around the station.' Sophie nods and walked with Tim to the locker rooms.

Tim: "Okay sweetie the women's lockers are that way, if I don't see you before I leave then I will see you after work. I love you."

Sophie: "Ok dad, be safe please. I love you too."

They part ways and Sophie walks into the lockers and gets ready. Her pain has become more unbearable, when she goes to the toilet she finds blood down there and gets extremely scared. She starts crying loud, Lucy and Tamara are in the locker room to get ready when they hear crying. Lucy tells Tamara to stay put as she investigates where the crying is coming from. She gets to the toilet that is closed and gently knocks.

Lucy: "Hello, are you okay?" Sophie opens the door and looks up at Lucy with a tear stained face.

Lucy: "Are you okay? Where are your parents?"

Sophie: "My dad brought me to work today to keep an eye on me. I think I'm dying, I saw blood down there."

Lucy: "Oh sweetie, that's called a period. Every women gets it and it's typically lasts for 3-7 days and happens every month. It is completely normal, do you have any supplies? Why did you not go to your mother."

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