5 years later

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5 years later

*Sophie is now 15 years old, Tim has become a training officer, the newest rookies are Lucy, Jackson and John. Lucy was pair with Tim and he was brutal with her training but when she was kidnapped his approached soften to accommodate her experience.

Third person POV

Tim and Lucy were put on the street patrol, when Lucy turned to Tim and asked "could we check some cop shops to see if my car had been brought to any."

Tim: "Why? Your car is worth more as parts, you just need to move on and think about getting another one but you need to focus on your training."

Lucy: "Yeah, but that car means so much. It has seen me through college and a few breakups and was the only place I-" she pauses as Tim look over at her giving her 'please continue' look, then she continues "It's the only place I felt safe after the whole Caleb thing." To. was taken back by what she said, he knew that it affected her but he didn't know the extent of how bad it affected her.

Tim: " Ok, there's a place down the road we can start there." Lucy just smiled and nodded at Tim. As they were driving down the street they spot Lucy's car. When they approach, they arrest a 15 year old Tamara.

Lucy: "What? Are you living in the car? How old are you and where are your parents?"

Tamara: "The owner lent the car to me and a friend but lost the keys. I'm 15 and my parents are dead."

Lucy: "I'm the owner. You need to be living at a shelter or something not in the car."

Tamara: "I always get my belongings stolen when I am at the shelter so this is the safest option."

Tim: "Officer Chen a word."

With Tim and Lucy

Tim: "Congratulations Officer Chen, you got a puppy."

Lucy: "What?"

Tim: "Rookies always meet someone in their first year they think they can save. I'm surprise it has taken you this long to get one."

Lucy: "She a young girl that needs some help. Did you ever have a puppy"

Tim: "That's none of your business, let's get back to work."

After they finish their conversation, they return to Tamara. Lucy isn't going to press charges but she is going to take Tamara to the shelter. A few days pass and Lucy receives a call from the shelter.

Shelter: "Hi, Officer Chen. I'm calling regarding Tamara Collins."

Lucy: "Yes, is everything okay?"

Shelter: "She has left the shelter."

Lucy says okay and ends the call. Tim and her arrive at Tamara's school to talk to her.

Tim: "Bad puppy."

Lucy: "Why did you leave the shelter?"

Tamara: "Some of my belongings have been taken so I packed up and left."

Lucy: "You can't be living on the streets."

Tamara: "I'm not, I'm crashing at my uncle's place."

Lucy: "Is it stay? Also here's my number to contact me at anytime." Tamara nods and leaves.

Tim and Lucy goes back onto patrol and finishes the rest of the shift and then go home.

2 weeks later

Lucy was relaxing in her apartment of her shift when she received a call, she answered.

Lucy: "Hello, Lucy speaking."

Tamara: "Lucy, are you there?"

Lucy: "Tamara, are you okay? What's going on?"

Tamara: "Can you please come and get me. My uncle got mad at me and kicked me out."

Lucy: "Okay, I'm coming over. Just text me the address." Tamara texts the address while Lucy gets her badge and off duty weapon, she hopes in her car and drives over.

Tamara: "Thank you for coming."

Lucy: "It's okay, let's grab your things." Lucy orders her uncle to get her belongings. Once received the belongings they hope into the car.

Tamara: "Thanks again. Where are you going to take me this time?" Tamara's tone was sad when she said this.

Lucy: "Well I was thinking, if it's okay with you ... you could stay with me and Jackson until you can work out everything."

Tamara: "Are you sure? Are you guys okay with this."

Lucy: "Yes. You can stay as long as you like."

Tamara's POV (a couple of months later)

I am taken back by how nice Lucy is to me. She barely knows anything about me but is willing to help me out. I have never felt like this since before my parents died.

There's something about Lucy, I want to leave and find my own place but part of me wants to stay with Lucy as she makes me feel super safe.

I have been living with Lucy for a few months now, Jackson was accidentally killed on the job so we both have been grieving the lost of him. Lucy has been extremely sad now and I'm upset seeing her this way. Whenever she gets home from her shift we hang out all the time, I also make sure she is okay. We always talk about our feelings, how our days have been and since I trust Lucy with my life I started to tell her about my past.

We are helping each other with our problems. We were talking when one day I slipped up and called Lucy 'Mum'. I immediately apologise for it and she said that it's fine, she happy for me to call her whatever I'm comfortable with. A few days later, Lucy and I went to the court house for Lucy to legally adopt me. She is the closest thing to a parent figure I have ever had for a long time, I'm so happy with this and we decide to change my name to Tamara Collins Chen.

Lucy and I are having mother daughter time together. I'm loving every minute, Lucy opened up to me about her being kidnapped and has a DOD tattoo on her side. She started crying a little, I went straight over to her and hugged her tightly. I didn't want to leave her alone so that night we slept together while I held her in an embrace.

The next day, Lucy got ready for work and I got dressed.

Tamara: "Mum, is it okay if I come to work with you today? I know everyone there can help you but I don't want to leave you completely alone."

Lucy: "I mean you should be at school, but if you want to we can talk to Grey about it." I nod to her about it and we left for the station.

Lucy's POV

We arrive at the station, I spot Tim walking over to us but we headed straight for Grey's office. I knock on the down and Grey lets us in.

Grey: "Morning Officer Chen and Tamara."

Lucy & Tamara: "Morning Sir."

Lucy: "We have something we would like to discuss with you." Grey nods as Lucy continues "over the last few months Tamara and I have become close with each other. We have opened up about our darkest moments."

Tamara: "Mum, has adopted me into her family and home."

Grey: "Mum?"

Lucy: "Yes sir, yesterday I adopted Tamara as that was what we both wanted. I thought I should give you the heads up. Also yesterday I opened up to Tamara about my kidnapping and she hasn't left my side since. She was too worried to go to school and we were wondering if she could stay here so although I'm on patrol she can still see me when I come in."

Grey: "I mean I don't know. I have got some paperwork that needs filing and sorting, if it's okay with you Lucy she could be like my assistant today so she is safe and still can see you."

I nods in response to Grey. Tamara and I hugs and parts ways as I goes onto patrol.

During the rest of the day, Tamara constantly texts me to check up making sure that I'm ok. Once the shift was over Tamara and I return home to have dinner, spend some time together and then head to bed.

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