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They walk out her bedroom door to see breakfast ready.

Tim: "Girls, you don't have to do all this."

Tamara: "We know, but that's what family does."

Lucy: "Okay, but we do need to talk about school."

Tim: "We either have to enrol you into a school or we enrol you into a home school program. With the home school program, we can ask Grey if there is anything you guys can do to help out around the station. But we'll ask Grey before deciding." The girls nod to agree. They leave and arrive at the station.

Tim and Lucy head to Grey's office to ask, where Grey said that the girls can be assigned to different people to help with paperwork and cleaning which the girls enjoy doing. Tim and Lucy got the girls enrolled into a homeschooling program.

A couple of months later

*Lucy has graduated to a P2. Tim has become a Sergeant. Sophie and Tamara have been enjoying home school and working at the station, they have learnt things from other officers. Angela and Nyla had talked to Grey about Lucy taking the detective exam, Lucy was excited and her family supported her on taking this step.*

They arrived at roll call. Tim and Grey announced the assignment and briefed the officers on the day when they saw Angela and Nyla appear.

Tim: "Okay, Detective's Lopez and Harper are her to brief you on a case, the floor is your's." Little did Tim know what it was actually about.

Nyla: "Okay, actually... we are not here to talk about a case."

Angela (holding a box in front of her): "We are here to say Officer Chen you're in the wrong place." Everyone was very confused with what is going on, Grey had a grin on his face and Tim was slowly putting the pieces together. He had an idea as their daughters were in the back of the room for the announcement.

Angela: "Well, Officer Chen time for you to say goodbye ..."

Nyla: "Technically we should be saying Detective Chen."

Lucy: "What?"

Grey: "Congratulations, you are now a detective." He meets her and continues "it has been an honour to have you serve under me. Again congratulations." He shakes her hand then hugs her. Tim joins the gang.

Tim: "Congrats babe, you deserve it." He gives her a big hug and whisper in her ear "I'm so proud of you, I love you so much. Also look behind you" Lucy was extremely happy (but also feeling a little unwell) and turns around to she her two daughters running up to her. They hug her tightly, this was their mum and she has been there for them for a long time. They are so proud to call Lucy their mum and they both give her a kiss on her cheeks at the same time.

Tamara & Sophie: "Congrats mum! We are so happy for you." The girls, Nyla, Angela and Lucy all leave roll call to go to Lucy's desk. She settles in and starts to work.

She thought that Angela and Nyla would leave her alone, make her find her feet on her own. She was so wrong, they stayed with her to help her get use to detectives work. On break, she went to use the bathroom when she ends up throwing up. She is seriously not feeling well at all and throws up again. Angela and Nyla hear this and calls out.

Nyla: "Hey, are you okay?"

Lucy was thinking 'shit', they can't know that I'm sick on my first day as a detective. She has to wait for them to leave, oh wait they won't leave now.

Nyla finds the door and gently knocks on the stall door.

Nyla: "It's okay. You can come out, we're not judging you."

Lucy unlocks the door and walks out to find the two standing there. She is embarrassed by this and feels small. The girls quickly pick up on her body language.

Angela: "Hey, hey. Lucy it's okay. Are you okay?"

Lucy: "Yeah, I'm fine."

Nyla: "Your a great UC but would you like to try that again."

Lucy: "I started feeling sick this morning, but didn't think anything of it. Now, I have no idea what to think."

Angela: "I may be overstepping but is there any chance your pregnant."

Lucy: "What? No way."

Nyla: "How often do you and Tim do it?"

Lucy: "A fair bit. I can't be, my period ..." She quickly grabs her phone and looks at the app. It shows she hasn't had it for a little bit now.

Lucy: "OMG! What if I am? I-I" Angela interrupts.

Angela: "Let's do a test to find out. I have one you can use." Lucy takes the test and waits fro the timer to go off.

Lucy: "Tim and I haven't talked about kids, with the two girls we have been happy. I'm not going to be a good mum, what if I turn out like my mum? I just start as a detective, I can't be pregnant because I'll be judged."

Nyla: "Woah slow down, breathe Lucy. Tim loves you, I'm positive he will be happy with whatever the outcome is. You'll be a good mum, you have helped your daughters grow so much and they have turned out amazing like their parents, but if you still worried we'll be happy to help you."

Angela: "When it comes to the job, if anyone gives you shit they'll have to go through us and I'm sure Tim would go off at them. Plus, us three work well together. We'll be a team."

Lucy hugs the girls and says, "thank you, your guys are the best. I'm glad to have friends like you." They are both shocked.

Nyla: "Friends? ..." and Angela continues "I thought we are besties. I think of you as one of my best friends. Do you think of us as your best friends?" Lucy nods to respond. The time goes off, it's time.

Lucy: "Can we all look at it together?" They nod and Lucy turns the test. It's positive.

Angela: "Congrats. How about we quickly stop at the hospital to get a check up and an estimation of how far along you are?" Lucy nods and they leave.

She receives a call from her daughters asking where is she. She tells them that she is at the hospital and is okay. Panic races through Sophie and Tamara comforts her, hoping Lucy comes back soon.

Lucy goes for an ultrasound, when she lifts her shirt and get ready for the ultrasound. The nurse tells her she is already 3 and a half months pregnant. Everyone was in shock.

Nyla: "You didn't think something was going on with?" Pointing at her little baby bump.

Lucy: "I thought I was jus gaining weight." The get a picture and go back to the station, when they walk in Sophie and Tamara see her from her design walking to an interrogation room. Sophie ran first and Tamara follow, when she saw Lucy she ran faster to hug her tight. Tamara stop short but near Lucy.

Lucy: "Hey girls, you okay." Angela and Nyla points at the door but Lucy shakes her head as she wants them there with her.

Tamara: "Well after you said where you were, Sophie started panicking. She was and is so worried about you, so am I. I stayed strong for Soph but she didn't calm, I asked if she wanted dad but she inly wanted you."

Lucy: "Oh Soph."

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