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Lucy: "Ok, so you're not mad. But why do you care if I stay of leave?"

Tim: "The reason I care is because I like you."

Lucy: "I like you too ... as friends."

Tim: "No, I like like you."

Lucy: "Oh ... you're serious. You have feelings for me?" Tim nods his head slightly.

Tim: "I have felt like this for awhile now, but always to scared to mention it.

Lucy: "We can't date, it's frowned upon at work."

Tim: "Grey said that he knows that we wouldn't let it affect how we work and said he is okay with it. Now, do you like me?"

Lucy and Tim are siting close together. Lucy doesn't speak, she reaches over to Tim and kisses him on the lips. At first Tim was shock but then he relaxes into the kiss.

Tim: "So is that a yea?" Lucy nods.

Lucy: "How is this all going to work?"

Tim: "Let's have a movie night, the girls can join if they want. By the looks everything is ready to go."

Lucy: "I'll go ask the girls." She walks to Tamara's room and opens the door.

Lucy: "Tim and I are going to watch a movie together, would you guys like to join?"

Soph & Tam: "Yes!"

Sophie: "So, you guys are together?"

Lucy: "We have confessed our feelings but I haven't been asked nor have I asked. But we have kissed."

Tamara: "At least now you guys know where you stand. I'm so happy for you mum." Sophie's facial expression changes and Lucy noticed.

Lucy: "Tam, could I please speak to Sophie? You can go help Tim finish getting all the food ready." Tamara nods, she has a feeling about what's going on but doesn't want to overstep and she leaves.

Lucy: "Soph, what's wrong?"

Sophie: "I'm happy for you guys. I'm just worried that Tim will start forgetting about me." Her eyes have become glossy thinking about it.

Lucy: "Tim cares for you a lot, he will not forget about you. I promise."

Sophie: "Could I ask you some questions about women things, I would ask Tim but I feel that another women would be better."

Lucy: "Sure, fire away."

They talk for a little while, Tim and Tamara weren't planning on disturbing them as they wanted to allow them to build a trust connection. After they finish talking Sophie then says.

Sophie: "Thank you so much for that." She launches at Lucy hugging her tight.

Lucy: "Your welcome, anytime. Here's my number so text me if you need me or just come up to me at anytime. Let's go to the others and start the movie night."

They walk out and all get comfortable; Tim has is arm around Lucy, Tamara is sitting next to Lucy and Sophie is next to Tim.

Lucy whispers to Tim: "Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Tim whispers back: "Yes, of course I would. Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Lucy whispers: "Of course." Tim kisses her head. 

Tim gets up and heads to the bathroom, Sophie is eyeball Lucy. Sophie moves over to Lucy and put her arm around Lucy and her head on Lucy's shoulder. Tamara snuggles into Lucy on the opposite side as Sophie. When Tim comes back, he sees all the girls snuggled together. Lucy notices Tim has returned and spoke quietly.

Lucy: "They're both asleep, could you help me get them to Tamara's room. I'll take Sophie if you want to take Tamara."

They walk the girls up and place them on Tamara's bed. Sophie slightly speaks before they leave.

Sophie: "Thank you mum, for everything."

Tim and Lucy were confused but left it. They walked into the living room.

Lucy: "Do you want to sleep in the same bed?"

Tim: "Sure, we can take this slow. I'm happy with just kissing you and then we can go further once you are comfortable." Lucy nods.

They lay down in bed together with Tim's arms around Lucy. She cups his face and starts kissing him passionately. They kiss for 10 minutes before saying goodnight and falling asleep.

It's about 2am in the morning, when both Tim and Lucy wakes up to see Sophie standing in the door.

Tim: "Soph, you okay sweetie?" Sophie just whimpers and runs over to them and joins them in bed.

Tim: "Another bad dream?" She just nods as she is panicking too much to speak.

Tim: "Okay, breathe for me. In and out gently." He hugs her she slightly calms down but still scared, Lucy is watching everything unfold before her. Tim then speaks up again.

Tim: "Would you like Lucy to give you a hug?" She nods and looks over at Lucy. Lucy nods letting her know that it's okay. She hugs Lucy tightly and pulls her self as close as she can to Lucy.

Lucy: "Hey, Soph. Put you head on my chest and listen to my heartbeat try to follow it." Lucy exaggerates her breathing to help Sophie calm down. Tim watches in awe as Lucy helps calm Sophie down. Once she has calm down Tim asks her the question.

Tim: "Another dream about your parents?" She nods then quietly speaks.

Sophie: "Then had another dream where I lost you dad and also lost my mum." Tim and Lucy were very confused about what she just said.

Tim: "Okay, but you have not got a mum. What do you mean?"

Sophie lifts her hand and points at Lucy: "Mum." Lucy is pretty shocked about what Sophie said. Then Sophie speaks up again.

Sophie: "She has helped me so much, I trust her more than other women I have met. I have seen how she treats Tamara and I want to have something like that. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry. Lucy looks at Tim and he gives a nod to confirm what she is thinking.

Lucy: "Hey, it's okay sweetie. You have had a hard time with trust I get it, but the feeling when you find someone you can trust someone is amazing. Tim has mentions to me about how you want a mother figure and he also wants you to have a mother figure. Is that also a dream you had about having a mother figure?" She nods as Lucy continues.

Lucy: "If you want to call me mum you can. I'm more than happen to be a mother figure for you."

Sophie: "I want a mother figure. Dad, can Lucy be my mum? I don't want Lucy to be a 'mother figure', I would like her to be my mum like what you are."

Tim: "I know hunny. But one problem, I'm not the best person to ask that question."

Sophie turns to face Lucy: "Lucy, would you do the honours of becoming my mum?"

Lucy: "Yes, I would be honoured to be your mum." They hug tighter together. In all the chaos, Tamara woke up and came to the bedroom.

Tamara: "Hey guys, what's going on?"

Sophie: "Tam, I got a mum."

Tamara: "Soph, that's are amazing. Who's the lucky woman." 

Sophie: "This amazing woman right here. We are going to be sisters." They are both excited and Lucy looks at Tim.

Tim: "Tamara, I am going to ask you something. See as Soph got a mum, would you like to get a father." Tamara nods.

Tim: "Would you do me the honours of allowing me to be your dad?"

Tamara: "Yes!" She hugs Tim tight.

Tim: "This bed ain't big enough for us all. Please don't hate me but what if Lucy you sleep with Sophie and I will sleep with Tamara, any thoughts?" They all agree. Tim and Tamara go back to her room and falls asleep instantly. Sophie snuggles up to Lucy, they fall asleep. Over the rest of the night, Sophie was a bit restless but Lucy calmed her by putting Sophie's head on her chest.

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