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In the morning

Tim and Tamara were up first. They checked on Lucy and Sophie but left them to sleep, Tim told Tamara as he knew that Sophie might have been a bit restless. Tim and Tamara worked together to cook breakfast and spent the time bonding with each other. They finished and plated up the food ready for the others. 

Lucy and Sophie started stirring and smelt the breakfast. Sophie looks up at Lucy with happy eyes.

Sophie: "Good morning mum."

Lucy: "Good morning sweetie, how did you sleep?"

Sophie: "After you calmed me down, I think I was a little restless but I had a good sleep."

Lucy: "As long as you had a good sleep."

Tim and Tamara walk in to see the girls awake.

Everyone says good morning and Tim gives Lucy a kiss on the lips.

Tim: "Okay M'ladies, follow us please." Lucy and Sophie got out of bed and walked into the kitchen and their jaws drop.

Lucy: "Oh Tim, you didn't have to."

Tim: "I wanted too."

They all sat down eating and talking when Lucy remembers.

Lucy: "Shit!"

Tim: "What's wrong?"

Lucy: "I told Grey yesterday about leaving, he said we could talk in the morning. I don't know how I'm going to handle this."

Sophie: "Mum, would it be mean or fun to kinda pull a prank?"

Tim: "Ohh no. What are you thinking?"

Sophie: "So they know you were have a talk to Lucy, but we could make them think that it didn't work. The only thing is that when you walk into the bull pen you would be confronted by Aunt Angela and Nyla, only if that's okay?"

Lucy: "I like that idea, we could have a little fun."

Tim: "Fine, but I'm blame you two for this. Man you guys are already causing trouble."

Lucy & Sophie "Shut up." Then start giggling and Tamara joins them.

Lucy: "By the way, we have somewhere to stop before work. I'm not telling you two but I'll text Tim the address."

They all get ready for the day ahead.

Tim: "To make your crazy plan work, we'll have to take two different cars. Who wants to ride with who?"

Tamara: "How about Soph rides with mum and I ride with dad on the way to Lucy's stop then we swap to make it look the same as any other day." Everyone agrees on the plan and make their way to the stop. When they get there Sophie and Tamara are very confused with the place but they don't question it. They sign in and sit down at the waiting room.

Employee: "Miss Lucy Chen, your appointment is ready." They all get up and follow the employee to the room and all sit down. The judge walks in and sits down.

Judge: "Good morning everyone. May you please introduce yourselves."

Lucy: "Good morning sir. I'm Lucy Chen, to my left is Sophie Bradford, to my right is Tim Bradford and next to him is Tamara Chen."

Judge: "Ok, the reason you're all here is that Tim Bradford wants to adopt Tamara Chen and Lucy Chen wants to adopt Sophie Bradford. Is this correct?"

Tim & Lucy: "Yes sir."

They work through the process of adopting the girls. They change Tamara's last name to Bradford while they are there. The judge signs off on the adoption and congratulates them on the adoption. Once they walk outside of the building, the girls hug the one that adopted them then hugs the other. The girls hug each other as they are officially sisters now and Tim and Lucy hug and kiss each other.

Sophie: "We are now a family."

Tim: "Okay lets get to the station to start this plan rolling now."

They all wish each other good luck then leave the courthouse for the station. Once at the station, Sophie and Tamara sit in the break room talking while roll call was on. After roll call, Tim 'disappeared' while Lucy was in Grey's office.

Grey: "So, are you staying at the station or do you want to leave?"

Lucy: "I'm sorry sir, but I would like to leave please."

Grey: "Did Tim not talk to you?"

Lucy: "He did, but there was no changing my mind after the conversation."

Grey: "Well, okay. Here's the paperwork to request a transfer to fill out. It is such a shame that we are going to lose you Officer Chen. I'll see you when you hand the paperwork in." Lucy nods and heads to the break room. Grey immediately calls Angela and Nyla while the girls give Tim the signal to walk back into the station.

Grey, Nyla and Angela all see Tim walk in. Angela runs over to him and drags him into Grey's office.

Angela: "What the fuck did you do? Lucy is leaving the station."

Tim: "I did talk to her and told her everything, but she just couldn't deal with it and said that leaving is the best way. I'm sorry I tried to convince her."

Nyla: "Is there anyway to make her stay?"

Tim: "She was admitted when I spoke to her that she wanted leave. Again sorry, I feel like my heart was stomped on. You guys told me to go for it and I am left heartbroken."

Just then Lucy and the girls come in. Lucy hands the folder to Grey then went to walk out.

Tim: "Hi."

Lucy: "Hi."

Tim: "I wish you the best of luck in the future and hope you get a good training officer." Lucy nods and walks out, then Tim was dismissed by Grey. No one was happy that Lucy was leaving.

Tim and Lucy got half way across the bullpen and started giggling, on purpose they grad hold of each other hand and walk away to the break room holding hands with the girls on either side. The guys jaw drop when they see this and they head to the break room.

In the break room

Nyla: "What the fuck?"

Angela: "You were holding hands, so what's actually going on?"

Lucy: "Look at the folder."

They all look.

Grey (yells): "Seriously."

Angela: "What?"

He shows them folder and ...

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