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5 and 1/2 months later

Lucy was nearly nine months pregnant. She is super grateful for everyones help and she knows that she has been difficult to deal with. Lucy was home alone when her water broke, she immediately called Bailey asking for her help. She was taken to the hospital.

Bailey called Grey telling him about Lucy.

Grey: "Tim! Girls!" They all came running out.

Grey: "Lucy's in the hospital, her waters broke. The doctors are saying that she is going to give birth with the hour." They are rush to the hospital. Tamara and Sophie have to wait in the waiting room, Angela and Nyla join the girls as they are like family to them.

2 hours later Tim comes out, everyone meets up with him.

Tim: "The baby is here. Lucy did amazing. Everyone is all good and well. You guys can come into the room, just keep in mind that Lucy is a bit exhausted." Everyone nods and walk in.

Lucy: "Hey. Soph, Tam would you like to come and meet you new baby sister." Tamara and Sophie sits on the bed next to Lucy.

Angela: "Does she have a name?"

Tim: "Actually, we thought the girls could name her." The girls are shocked and they start talking.

Sophie: "How about Emily for her first name."

Tamara: "And Ann for her middle name."

Tim: "I love it."

Nyla: "Let's meet Emily Ann Bradford." Angela looks at Lucy.

Angela: "Luce, u okay?"

Lucy: "I'm so happy, but everyone in our family is a Bradford expect for me. It sucks." Tim has a ring box in his hand and is sitting in the chair and opens it.

Angela points over to Tim, Lucy looks at him and gasps.

Tim: "Lucy Chen, I have been wanting to do this for a while. I didn't do it during your pregnancy because I know there is personal struggles that would resurface, I know it wasn't where I planned but anyways. Lucy Chen would you make me the happiest man and marry me?"

Lucy: "Let me just think for a second. Yes, Of course I'll marry you." They kiss and the girls hugs them.

*10 months later, Tim and Lucy have their wedding. Emily walked down the aisle with Sophie and Tamara on either side of her, this brought tears to Tim's eyes. Grey walked Lucy down the aisle and Tim was crying because of how beautiful she looked, her dress shown her DOD tattoo but Tim didn't care as long as she was comfortable. He did give it a kiss during his vows to show that he loves her no matter what. Lucy told Tim she was pregnant again and he was over the moon.*

*3 years later, Tim and Lucy are very happy. Tamara and Sophie are 18 years old but still help their parents out. Emily is three years old, they had twin boys and named them Josh and Noel they are 2 years old. Angela and Nyla have helped Lucy along the way and they are known as a dangerous trio, they all like that people were scared on them. All their kids are getting along and growing up together. They all live very happily.*

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