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While the girls were helping Lucy; Angela and Nyla were waiting patiently for Tim to appear. As soon as they see him, they get up and go to him.

Nyla: "Come on, let's go. Follow us." Tim was confused as they went to an interrogation room. The girls locked the door behind them and pointed Tim to sit down.

Tim: "Okay, what's going on?"

Nyla: "Do you like Lucy?"

Tim: "I mean she is my rookie and I don't need to be friendly, but I only like her as a friend."

Angela: "Well, you need to organise yourself and have a talk with her. She is currently in the locker room having a moment, she's got Tamara and Soph to calm her as we couldn't get her to calm down."

Tim: "Ok, why are you guys coming to me and interrogating me?"

Nyla: "I mean with everything she went through, and we have all got her to start trusting us again. Then add the fear she is feeling about what you are going to do to her." Tim looks at them confused.

Angela: "Tim seriously, you told her within the first few weeks on the job not to meddle in your personal life. She has kept to that word, she is super scared of you as she thinks you're going to kill her for helping Soph as it was 'meddling in your personal life'. Now she is slowly close up to everyone."

Tim: "I only said that as I thought she was just going to be another rookie, but after everything she is different to the others. I'm grateful that she was willing to help Soph, that would explain why is was being so quiet in the shop yesterday. I'll make sure to talk to her a bit later."

The girls continue to grill Tim about this being super mad at him. Angela and Nyla have become to think of Lucy as their best friend, they are willing to protect her no matter what. They don't care that she is a rookie.

After Lucy calmed down, she asked if the girls could help her to Grey's office. They are both confused and help her there.

In Grey's Office

Lucy knocks

Grey: "Come in. Hey girl, hi Officer Chen. How can I help?"

Lucy: "I was wondering if I can hand my transfer form in to another station or if not, I'll hand my resignation letter in." Everyone was confused, Grey felt like an airplane has hit him, as he has started to think of Lucy as another daughter to him.

Grey: "Wh-What? Why? Is everything okay?"

Lucy: "Just a lot of different things that I rather not say aloud. I think this is for the best."

They girls both were silent hear the conversation, they both are worried about Lucy. Although Sophie has only known her for a short period of time, she really likes her so much and doesn't want to lose her.

Grey: "How about you and Tamara go home for the rest of the day and we'll continue this in the morning after roll call." Lucy nods as her and Tamara leave, Tamara hugs Sophie then follows Lucy and they leave the station.

Grey: "Soph, do you know what is happening?" She just nods her head at Grey.

Sophie: "Long story short she was reliving her abduction and is scared of what Tim will do to her as she reckons she 'meddled' in his personal life by help me out."

Grey: "Oh no, this isn't good. Let's get him here with Angela and Nyla." Sophie nods at him. Grey then calls the guys to his office.

Grey (in his stern voice): "We need to talk."

Nyla: "What about sir?"

Grey: "I just had Lucy come in asking about transferring to another station or handing in her resignation letter in."

Angela turns to Sophie: "It's that bad?" Sophie just nods.

Grey: "I don't want to lose her from the station, after everything she has proven to everyone that is deserves to be here. We all know that she is a rookie but she has become so much more to all of us. I think of her as a daughter and I know you girls think of her as a best friend."

Tim: "I have seriously fucked up. I didn't think this would happen, the only reason I said that stupid thing in the first place because I thought she would be like any other rookie I have ever trained. But I never thought I would care about someone this much ever."

Angela: "Tim, do you like Lucy as more than friends type of like?" Tim slightly nods his head embarrassed of what everyone would think.

Sophie puts the pieces together: "You care about her because she has helped you through your darkest days and you blame yourself for what happened to her." Tim nods again.

Nyla: "Tim, it's okay to feel. We spend so much time together feelings can emerge."

Grey: "Go talk to her, tell her everything. Don't worry about work, I know you won't let this affect your work. But go to talk to her, before we lose her." Tim says okay to leaves with Sophie to head to Lucy's apartment.

With Lucy and Tamara

Lucy and Tamara arrives back to the apartment. They get changed into comfortable clothing and sit on the couch.

Tamara: "Let's watch a movie!" Lucy nods at they set up. Once everything is set up, they start the movie. Lucy is hugging into Tamara for comfort. After about half an hour, there is a knock at the door.

Lucy: "I'll get it." Tamara knows who's here as she received a text from Sophie. Lucy opens the door to see Tim and all the fear has come back.

Tim: "Umm ... hi, is it okay if we could talk?" Lucy just nods as she lets them in.

Tamara: "We'll in my room you need us." They leave the room leaving Tim and Lucy alone. They sit down on the couch.

Lucy: "I'm sorry," she said in a sad tone still.

Tim: "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said at the beginning of your training. I have been told that you are scared of me, why?"

Lucy: "The way you said it, made me feel that you would kill me for meddling. Then I help Sophie which I have now meddled. I have already gone to Grey to organise either a transfer or a resignation."

Tim: "I'm not mad at you, I'm very grateful for you helping her. I know that must of been hard for you after everything so thank you. You and her are able to help each other, being able to relate with the experiences that you both have been through. You're more than just my rookie, you're my friend. Please don't leave everyone will miss you."

Lucy: "Ok, so you're not mad. But why do you care if I stay of leave?"

Tim: "The reason I care is because..."

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