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The two girls nod and giggle while leaving the office heading to the break room. After their school work they get talking.

Tamara: " I was worried, I didn't know what happen to you. I was told that you ran away from home."

Sophie: "I'm sorry to have worried you sissy. After my mum passed away, my dad couldn't handle anything and got super busy and I felt like a burden then ran away. I was living on the streets until a nice police officer found me and then took me back to the shelter near his station. I went to a foster home got treated terribly so I ran away. Tim was the officer, he found me again then I begged him not to go back and if he could adopt me and well here we are. I completely lost trust in people. What about you?"

Tamara: "Well not long after you left my parents died and I was living on the streets. I stole a car and got arrested, Lucy and Tim were the officers. They have helped me, Lucy has always been there for me and made me feel loved. She adopted me and I am so happy."

Sophie: "I know what you mean about Lucy."

Tamara: "What?"

Sophie: "I was in the bathroom crying, Lucy found me and helped me out so much. I so grateful for what she did."

Tamara: "Oh, that was you. She didn't want to leave you alone so she texted me to get the supplies."

Sophie: "I told Tim about what she did. He didn't seem to impress about it. But at the same time he said that I could relate to her about trusting people and he said that he will tell me at home."

Tamara: "Yeah, well after everything that happen. Tim soften up a little on Lucy but refuses to allow her to interfere in his personal life. I'm guessing as you're important to him he wasn't happy that she was meddling around. For the trusting people, I'll let Tim tell you that story."

Sophie: "Yeah. Sometimes it's hard to read him, he was grateful that she helped me but seemed so mad at the same time. But then the way he looks at her, I just don't know."

Tamara: "I reckon they like each other, but they can't date due to work. But at the same time Tim is so hard to read."

They both laugh. Then Sophie says "we should talk to Aunt Angela as she know better than anyone about them." Tamara just nods. They giggle a bit longer when Angela and Nyla walk in.

Tamara: "The world's best detectives have just entered the room."

Nyla: "Thanks Tamara. It's nice to see you guys getting along so well and way better than your adopted parents are."

Sophie: "Yeah well it helps when we knew each for a long time, long story ... anyways you guys see Tim and Lucy a lot, do they have feelings for each other."

Angela: "OMG, yes we believe they do but Tim is so by the book kinda old school style. Plus it's hard to tell as Lucy is currently scared of what Tim's going to do to her."

Sophie: "What do you mean?"

Nyla: "Well ... Tim told Lucy straight to her face not to bother meddling in with his personal life. Although she helped him through personal situations he still admitted about that. Since she helped you, she reckons he is going to kill her as she reckons she 'meddled' in his life."

Sophie: "I beyond grateful for her help. Tim reckons that Lucy and I could relate with not being able to trust people, but he will tell me at home about it." Angela and Nyla froze and just looked at each other.

Angela: "We'll allow Tim to tell you, but after everything she wasn't in a good place. But we both know your 's and her's situation, we believe that you guys are good for each other to help and also you guys could talk about it as you both would understand it better than any of us. If you want to see the case file, get Tim to bring you to us and we'll show you it."

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