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Sophie: "OMG, that's is scary to think about. All that happens and she still is working as an officer, she is amazing. Now I see why you and Aunt Angela said that we could relate, I'm guessing it took a while for her to start trusting people again."

Tim: "Yeah, it did. Everyone has her back because a lot of officers that went through that would have quit the job and she is only a rookie."

Sophie: "Yeah, well I have been told that she is scared of you now."

Tim: "What do you mean?"

Sophie: "I know you told her not to meddle in your personal life and I get that. She has helped you through some tough shit. But now she thinks you are going to kill her as she helped me and she reckons that because I'm yours that she meddle in your personal life. Even though she never knew I was your's until after she helped."

Tim: "Fuck, I didn't mean to make it sound like that when I told her. I need to talk to her soon, straighten everything out and thank her for helping you."

Sophie: "Okay, but now I got to ask something but don't get mad. Do you have some sort of feelings for Lucy?"

Tim: "Kinda, it's complicated as I'm her T.O. But after her abduction I started falling for her. But it will never happen as she is thinking I'm going to kill her."

Sophie: "You definitely need to talk to her. Okay be truthful about everything, as that is what she needs since having trust issues. At some stage I would like to talk to her, I might do it tomorrow or the next day."

Tim: "Okay. That's fine as I think there is some things that you need someone that can understands the same feeling. Okay, now let's talk about you and Tamara."

Tim and Sophie sat there talking about her past with Tamara and a few little things before going to bed. In the morning, Tim and Sophie woke up. They are getting ready for the new day.

Sophie: "Dad, will it be okay if I come to work with you?"

Tim: "Of course you can. You can do the same as you did yesterday."

Sophie: "But first could we stop at the shops?"

Tim: "Why?"

Sophie: "Because I want to get Lucy a gift to thank her for helping me yesterday, although she didn't seem to make a big deal I want to get something that shows I appreciated what she did."

Tim: "Okay, lets go."

They get into Tim's truck and shop at the shops then arrive at the station.

With Tamara and Lucy

They both woke up and got ready for the day. Tamara cooked breakfast for them both then they leave for the station. Lucy and Tamara walk into the station, Tamara immediately saw Sophie. Lucy and Tamara part ways.

As Lucy was getting ready, she saw her DOD tattoo in the mirror and starts reliving all the trauma again. Angela and Nyla walk in, they see Lucy and approach her.

Nyla: "Hey Lucy."

Lucy didn't response, Nyla tried again and Angela notice she was zoned out.

Angela: "She can't hear us, she's in her own little world."

Nyla gently goes to put a hand on her shoulder, the touch made Lucy jump scared and started shaking.

Angela: "Let's call Tamara!"

On the phone:

Tamara: "Hey Ang, what's up?
Angela: "Hey, so Lucy is having a moment. She is all zoned out and jumped when we touched her. Could you be able to come talk to her?"
Tamara: "Yeah, give me a couple of minutes." And hangs up

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