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*TW Spicy*

Nyla: "Okay, time to explain what the fuck is going on?"

Lucy: "I'm not leaving the station, it was a little prank."

Angela: "And the hand holding?"

Tim: "We spoke, I told her how I feel and she told me how she felt. We are now dating."

Grey: "Okay, now explain why these two have the biggest grinned on their faces."

Tim: "First of, this whole like prank thing was miss Sophie's idea and Lucy liked it."

Lucy: "And secondly it's because they got a parent that they didn't have."

Angela: "OMG! Lucy you adopted Sophie and Tim adopted Tamara." Tim nods.

Angela: "Soo ... now I have a second niece. Sweet!"

Grey: "Ok, I'm glad you're not leaving. This place wouldn't be the same without you. Anyways time to get to work, Tim you are riding with Lucy. The girls will do like they normal do, they are very helpful around the station."

On patrol, it was an easy day. Tim and Lucy only had small calls. While they are on patrol, Tamara and Sophie got talking.

Sophie: "I was thinking, I feel bad that dad can't take mum on a date. What if we organise a date for them, cook the food ourselves and be their 'waiters'?"

Tamara: "I love that idea sis. Let see if Grey or Auntie Angela can take us home to organise it." They asked Grey to see if he wasn't busy, you was happy to help the girls

They arrive at the apartment and got everything organised and prepared all the food to get cooked. They asked Grey to take some dressy clothes back for Tim and Lucy.

After shift

Tim and Lucy were wondering around the station looking for the girls. They headed to Greg's office to ask him.

Lucy: "Sir, do you know where the girls are?"

Grey: "Yes I do. They are at the apartment with a surprise for you two. I was asked to give these to you." Tina and Lucy were confused, they got changed and headed to the apartment. Tim unlocked the door and they were met by Tamara.

Tamara: "Good evening, please follow me." They followed her to the kitchen and their jaws dropped.

Tim: "What the ..."

Sophie: "We feel back that you are not able to go on a date so we thought that we would do this for you as a 'date'. This is also the way we want to thank you for saving us."

Lucy: "Aww, thank you so much. This is wonderful." Tim and Lucy sat down and ate. They were talking, Tim leant over and kissed Lucy on the lips.

Tim: "I love you so much, and I love our daughters too."

Lucy: " Love you too babe.". They thanked the girls and headed up to Lucy's room, they walk in and Tim closes it behind them. Sophie and Tamara put noise cancelling headphones on and cleaned up the kitchen.

In Lucy's room

After Tim closed the door, he gently pinned Lucy against the door. They were inches apart.

Tim: "Are you sure?" He wants to double check with her before continuing. She nods in reply as she pulls him to her and they start kissing. 

Lucy kissed a path from his lips to his neck. She started kissing and sucking his neck, he lets a couple of soft moans before her lips met his again. Tim then made his way down to her neck and started to kiss and suck it, she let a few moans out. He pulls away to look at her, her hands pulled at his shirt and help him take it off. He then grabbed Lucy's shirt and pulled it off. 

He's eyes wondered down to her breast, she knew what he wanted. She grabbed his hand and dragged it to her back where her bra is clipped. He unclasp the bra, his hand follow up her back to the straps of the bra and slowly pulled them down her arms exposing her breasts. Tim is in awe at her beauty, he brings his eyes back to hers and she gives him a slight nod. His head drops to the level of her boobs, his hands reaches for them and he starts gently squeezing them then his fingers reach her nipples and start to rub them between his fingers. While his fingers continue to play with her left nipple while he starts sucking on her nipple, Lucy's hands are behind his head holding him close as he then moves to the left nipple. Then he start kissing a path back to her lips.

Lucy reaches for his pants and Tim reaches for her pants, they take the pants off at the same time. 

Lucy: "Well, these will clearly need to go." She guides him to the bed and sits him down, she takes the boxers off.

She kneels in front of him admiring his dick, she looks up at him as their eyes are locked her hands takes hold of him and start stroking his cock. She brings her head closer as her tongue touches his tip to lick the pre-cum off, he moans softly. Then next thing he knows is that, she is taking his length in her mouth. His moaning continues as she bobs up and down faster, then she stops and goes down taking his length in her mouth. She starts choking on it then pull up, then places a kiss on the tip.

Tim stands up and playfully pushes Lucy on the bed. He pulls her to the edge of the bed and takes her panties off. He sees how wet she has become after the blowjob. He kisses each thigh as his fingers brushes across her pussy. He starts licking her pussy and sucking it, then he brings his mouth to her clit licking and sucking it while two of his fingers go inside, she moans when the fingers slowly goes in. He goes faster and her moaning rapidly continues, he can feel her climax ready to release. He speeds up as he can feel her release on his fingers and she starts shaking a little. He then goes up to her allowing her to suck his fingers before kissing her passionately, then pulls away.

Tim: "Ready? Oh wait protection."

Lucy: "No protection please, I want to feel you inside me."

Tim alines his cock up and slowly slides it in as she moans on entering. He start slide in and out of her slowly and slowing increases speed and she continues to moan.

Lucy: "Oh ... Tim ... you massive."

Tim: "You like? Or would you like me to only go so far?" Lucy wraps her legs around his waist pulling him closer and his dick goes further in. Tim is now going faster and Lucy's moans are becoming louder as he continues.

Lucy: "Oh baby, I'm cumming." She releases on his cock. They change position and start going fast again and Lucy hits climax again and is cumming on him again and this triggers his release. They start making out again.

Lucy: "Babe, round 2?"

Tim: "Hell yeah." They continue until 1am and go to sleep cuddling each other.

In the morning they both wake up and greet each other. But then Lucy notices something with Tim.

Lucy: "Oh baby, you're hard and horny. Aren't you?" Tim nods.

Lucy: "How about we take care of this?" She moves down his body to his cock. She starts sucking his length and going fast.

Tim: "Baby, why don't you finish me off?" Lucy knows what Tim was thinking as she slid this dick into her pussy to allow him to cum inside her. After they both have a shower and gets changed.

Lucy: "Best date ever!" She loved it so much and has never had a guy treat her the way Tim does.

Tim: "Well, you cummed so many times I lost count. I cummed in you 5 times including this morning. man it was amazing."

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