Chapter 1

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Class then soon started, but, unexpectedly, it started in a different way from the other boring days. There was finally something new, different.

Megumi's pov

Spending time on tiktok didn't really amuse me to be honest, it was surely a good way to make the time pass and I used it only for that reason most of the time, nevertheless I have to admit that sometimes it is possible to find interesting things there, as some scientific researches, discoveries, curiosities and maybe also cute things concerning other topics as friendship and family, in which however I'm not very interested or just don't concern me personally.

I was on instagram when I heard the professor come in, I didn't bother looking at him and just kept minding my business while biting my lower lip in concentration, it's a vice of mine, till he organised his appliances and books and started talking. Just then, distracted by his voice, I looked up at him listlessly and in a bad way, and noticed a guy that was casually standing next to him with a dumb smile on his face.

I put the phone on the table bored by the situation and tried to pay attention to what was happening.

"Good morning everyone, as you could have noticed, a new person will be present with us in this class, remember to...", I can't stand his voice, it's incredibly irritating and drowsy at times; I like Chemistry but his voice is really a flaw and makes it difficult to follow the lesson, his clothing too, he looked like a box of Smarties at times, his behaviour also is a bit strange. "..having already said that some time ago, I'm not going to explain it all over again, but try to collaborate and communicate with new people as if they were already your friends, without leaving anyone excluded. Okay, now, what's your name? If you want to, you can add something else and tell us more about you".. , how boring, at least we lost some time of the lesson, but this guy looked like someone living in the world of dreams, always smiling, joking around, making people laugh or feel better, with a sunny personality. I usually define this people as "medicine people", because they are able to make you smile in no time even during bad days, on the other hand, I'm kind the opposite type of person and they could not appreciate me that much, I'd understand it, but if we see it from that perspective, it is true that I don't appreciate them that much either, their happiness and positivity kind of annoy me at a certain point, especially if they are quite talkative people and want to communicate most of the time.

I didn't follow any of his presentation, his name neither, due to this flow of thoughts, I just saw that he sat at the very front of the class, obviously, since no one would sit there, in the second row starting from the wall; I sit in the third one at the back so it's okay, I guess that we won't talk that much.

The teacher meanwhile continued the explanation of the program, he was now talking about the different laws of the gases and the periodic table, which we discussed for about 40 minutes, during the remaining time we practised on the chemical reactions balance instead.

The bell finally rang and it was now time for Physics, my favourite subject probably. I put back inside the Chemistry book and randomly took a glance at the class and saw the new guy happily chatting with Nobara, one of my classmates, the one with whom I talked the most, but still an acquaintance, and some other people; they looked like they got along well and yeah, good for him, if you manage to make friends when you're just new in an environment that you don't know then great, it's not that simple for everyone and sometimes people exclude you directly without reason.

He looked exactly like those type of sunny people, he was laughing and the people surrounding him were too. Nobara and him already looked like good friends, you could see they had harmony, even though she was usually rude with guys. He was probably as dumb as her and that's why they most likely got along well, even though I'm sure that Nobara isn't as dumb as she seems.

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